Do you foster a belief in the Easter Bunny? DD asked me last night why the Easter Bunny was so big. (We went to an egg hunt this weekend-guy in bunny suit)
Fumbling for time, I asked her why she thought the bunny was so big, and she said "because it's just pretend". I told her that yes, it was a person "pretending" to be the Easter Bunny. I didn't go so far as to say "there is no Easter Bunny"
I want there to be magic in her life, but have a real conflict with outright lying about such things. I guess that I think for as long as she chooses to believe I can deal, but once she's got questions it's my job to tell her the truth.
What do you think?
How does this apply for you regarding: Santa (if you celebrate Xmas), Characters at amusements parks, etc??
Re: The Easter Bunny
For some reason I just don't see that as a lie. It isn't like I was mad at my parents when I found out the truth. I do exactly what Belle does. I say they have helpers because they are very busy.
If dd thought Mickey Mouse was fake it would crush her far me than finding out later that we let her believe in something that makes her so happy.
This. I honestly have zero memory of my parents or my friends telling me the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus were not real. I am happy to plan along with something that can bring happiness and wonderment.