North Carolina Babies

Fluoride toothpaste

Are you still using the non-fluoridated toothpaste for your 2+y/o LO? If not, when did you switch? I see the tube of most kids' toothpastes say for 2 and up, so I bought some Kids' Aquafresh to use when our Orajel stuff runs out. How do you teach a toddler to spit? Hmm...

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Re: Fluoride toothpaste

  • I plan to stick with non-flouide toothpaste for a long time, if not forever!  The minimum is when they can spit it out after brushing, as you know.  We just demonstrate to teach her to spit, but sometimes she just looks at us cockeyed.


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  • We still use the non-fluoride stuff.  I figure he's getting plenty of fluoride from our drinking water, but I could be wrong.  When we brush our teeth together in the morning (once or twice a week) I will give him a bit of my regular toothpaste since we're in the master bath, but when he "spits" nothing actually comes back out LOL, so I just only give him a tiny bit of toothpaste.
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  • We do use fluoride toothpaste, and the dentist recommended that we use it if possible.  Nate has hypoplastic enamel (soft enamel) and he's more prone to cavities because of it.  The dentist recommended using fluoride toothpaste or just dipping his tooth brush in some flouride rinse so that he gets a bit of fluoride on his teeth when brushing.  We use a tiny amount of toothpaste and he generally likes to spit a few times while brushing anyway, so I'm hoping he'll be okay if he swallows a very small amount.
  • we've been using fluoride toothpaste for both girls since they were 1.5 yr. old.  We don't have fluoride in our water (well water) and the pedi recommended it.  We had been giving nanny water but he stated that doesn't really help.  We only smear a tiny bit on the toothbrush.  Neither girl can spit yet.
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  • We've used fluoride toothpaste per pedi and dentist recommendation.  We use the tiniest smear amount but enough get some fluoride on the teeth.  The dentist explained to use the amount you would expect to get accidentally swallowed by an older child.  Scott "tries" to spit but doesn't really know how still.



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  • We've been using flouride toothpaste with C now for quite a while and just recently started him on using a kids mouthwash with flouride as well.  He had a dentist appt last month and the dentist said he had soft spots on some of his teeth and that we should incorporate flouride into our routine.  I didn't realize until I got home that he had been using flouride toothpaste so we got the mouth wash to go along with that.  He is really good at spitting though and loves swishing the mouth wash so it hasn't been an issue. 

    One big thing we stressed to him when trying to teach him to spit was to not swallow the toothpaste because it would make him sick.  He listened pretty well!

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