
Enroll DS in camp this summer even though I am home?

I am a teacher, so I am off during the summer. This is the first summer I am considering enrolling my oldest son in summer camp for a week or 2. The local Boys and Girls club offers a great swim camp that I attended every summer. This is really how I learned to be an excellent swimmer. We had hour long swim lessons every day with our group. The instructors was excellent. My friend thinks I am nuts for letting my son near water without me! She is a tad OCD. So, swim camp - a crazy idea?

Re: Enroll DS in camp this summer even though I am home?

  • DS goes to the YMCA's preschool program and he's currently enrolled in swim lessons during school hours. I'm obviously not there. I'm totally comfortable with it.

    I say go for it! It sounds like SO much fun and the more experience he gets in the water, the safer he will be.

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  • I would totally send my kid to camp even if I was off for the summer.  I am a little more hesitant with swim camp although for our swimming lessons, I am NOT in the water with the kids either. I am watching. 


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  • I am pretty much the only person that I know who doesn't enroll their child in camp, including all the SAHMs I know.  I will probably do a week long swim class though through the local University, if I can get her in it.  No judgement here!
  • I SAH and DS and DDare both going to day camp at the Y for a week. DS will also go to VBS for a week, but that's free, so I don't have to worry about costs.
  • Of course!  My DD gets so bored if she doesn't have stuff to do, so we have a few day camps (they're just half day for kids who aren't in kindergarten yet) in between our summer trips.

    She won't have any more than 2 weeks in a row "just at home" for the summer.

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  • I'm a SAHM, and DD#1 goes to day camp for at least 3-4 weeks each year (split up between weeks on the Cape, the lake, etc.). DD#2 gets extended school year services as part of her IEP, so there's a nice break during the summer months for us all!
    A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
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  • I would definitely send him.  He'll love it.  Besides, if your boys are anything like my girls, they'll need space from each other and you from them at least for a week or two.

    My girls generally try to kill each other by about week two or three of the summer if we don't have some activities.  They go to preschool and a few other things during the school year but we have a nanny for a few days a week in the summers.  Right now, both girls are signed up for a week of zoo camp and a week of museum camp (both are half-day camps).  DD#1 is also taking two weeks of a theater camp (also half days) in an under-13 production of Rapunzel.  We're not doing swimming lessons because we're away too much and they're in camps so they didn't fit in the schedule.  DD#1 has been in swimming lessons off and on since she turned 3 and both girls have been in lessons since January.  We have a pool so I *need* them to be good swimmers.  DD#1 is amazing - she can dive, is working on strokes and can easily swim 30-40 feet taking breaths and such.  DD#2 can swim well enough to "save herself" if she doesn't panic.  At this point, she mostly needs practice and time to build up her endurance and strength.  She'll get that in our pool at home so I'm not too worried.  Both girls will be back in swimming lessons next January just to make sure they're ready for summer next year.  (DD#2 might do them again in September depending on how she's doing at the end of this summer.)

  • We just signed DD up for a 6week fine arts camp that's 9-330 m-f - it's hosted at her school. ?I'm currently a SAHM. ?It was only sixty bucks, how could I say no to that??? ?It'll keep me sane, give her a chance to learn & see other kids, give me more time alone with DS... WINNING.

    I would do the swim camp. ?Swimming is the one thing we're forcing upon our kids.

  • I LOVE camp and both of my kids will be going (and hopfully love it as much as DH and I did).   DH and I both went to daycamp and sleep over camps as kids and both ended up working at summer sleepover camps in college.  I also worked at a daycamp for a year.  I think camp is great for kids.   I know kids can have such amazing camp memories if you find the right fit.  We swam at my camp every day - the staff is so well trained, life guards, staff in the pools, every few inches around pool/deck of the lake, etc.  I would not be nervous if you know how they supervise the swim area.,
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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