Just got an email from the principal at DS's school. On Friday there was a "suspicious man" (not sure what made him suspicious) on school grounds. He was spotted by the staff and reported to the police. He did not enter the school and all the children were inside.
There were reports two weeks ago from another school of a man approaching a student near the school grounds. The student ran home.
The principal's point was to remind parents to have their kids walk to/from schools in pairs and reinforce that they should not talk to strangers, etc.
DS doesn't walk to school. He is either dropped off and walked-in or takes the bus. A teacher meets the bus. To my knowledge, there is always an adult with DS. I have talked to him about not talking to strangers, etc. and I think he gets it. Is there anything else I should do in light of the email from the teacher?
Re: WWYD (if anything)
We just went over our "what to do if a stranger approaches you" spiel again with our kids after an alarming story on the news.
I reminded the kids that they don't need to talk to a grown up they don't know. And if a grown up tries to talk to them, grab them, or make them come with them the kids should run to a grown up they know. I used a few examples like if our neighbor wants to say hi that's okay but if a stranger tells asks them to help them find a puppy they should say no and run to a grown up they know.
I reminded the kids of the 3 people that are allowed to pick them up from school and how to handle situations with others trying to pick them up --like someone they know but who isn't on the list, someone who they don't know, someone who says they talked to mom or dad, etc (basically they're to go to the office at once and if someone tries to grab them or acts scary they're to scream while running).
I'd just reiterate what you've said about strangers. I've told me kids that if someone tries to grab you, you YELL! THAT'S NOT MY DADDY/MOMMY! I DON'T KNOW YOU! GET AWAY FROM ME! Whatever. Just yell.
I don't know how far away you live/work from the school, but anytime you have time to do a drive by I would.