DH and I are TTC, and are tossing around names. We really like Polish/Czech names because that is our family heritage, and our last name is very very Polish sounding. (3 syllables, and lots of consonants all in a row )
Anyways, I came accross the name Aniela the other day, and I really like the way it looks, but I am not sure if I like the sound of it. What do you think? FWIW it is the Polish form of Angela which means "messenger".
It is pronounced ahn-NE-ela. Kind of like Daniela without the 'D'. I was thinking the nn Ani (AHN-ee) would possibly work.
Again, not pg, just wanted to get general feelings on the name.
Re: Just for fun....
Wouldn't Daniela be pronounced dan-ee-EL-ah or dan-YEL-ah, depending on the accent?
Just a warning that if you tell people "Her name is Aniela... like Daniela without the D," it will help with spelling, but will confuse the pronunciation. People will get Daniela in their heads and always pronounce it an-YEL-ah (or an-ee-EL-ah, depending on their accent). If that is how it is supposed to be pronounced, then you need to practice writing out the correct pronunciation before the LO arrives. You will only confuse people with what you've written... for example, you wrote "ela" as one syllable!
With that being said, I like the look of the name overall, and the nickname Ani. FWIW, when I first glimpsed at the name, I did not see "anal". I saw Amelia.
Anya with an "ella" ending? Am I right?
I kind of like it.
I am Polish-American too, so I may be biased. 
So, would that be AN-ya-el-la or an-ya-EL-la?