
Jodi: you have a PM

That's all.  No, it's not all.  Where is the pic you promised of your new 'do?
promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am

Re: Jodi: you have a PM

  • PM Back!  :)


    And the new do -- LOVE it!  But got home last night at 9:15 and realized my camera was in my truck.  Was going to go get it but I was attacked -- you know, the new do makes me sassy and Joe had to take advantage of that -- and before I knew it, it was morning!  Running late this morning so not time to take and download photo BUT I will do it tonight!  All that to let you know I don't have a PIP yet!  LOL

    (The bangs aren't what I wanted and they were a bit frustrating to style this morning.  She wouldn't do the thicker, choppier, shorter ones I wanted.  She is the stylist so I'm guessing she wouldn't do it for good reason but the ones I have, I'm having a hard time styling.  BUT it was only day 1 so we'll see!) 

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