Baby Names

Need a MN for Elliot

I think we are going to name DS#3 Elliot but we need help finding a good middle name!  Also, should we use 1 t or 2 t's for the spelling? Thanks!!

Re: Need a MN for Elliot

  • My son is Elliot Paul - Paul is a family name and I love his whole name.  We spell it with t, hoping it would separate it from the last name which is more commonly spelled with 2 ts.  It is often misspelled - anyone who doesn't know will guess 2 ts.  I don't regret it though because I still think it looks more like a first name this way.

  • DS is Elliott.  We love the spelling with 2 t's, however daycare always misspells it as Elliot.  I don't know if this is going to continue forever, but I'd still go with the 2 t's if I had to do it again.

    And his middle name is Scott, after DH.

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  • not sure about spelling, but my first thought for MN is michael. i also like matthew.

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  • Paul, James, Theodore, and Scott.
  • I like 2 t's for Elliott. Neal, James, Christopher all came to mind for mn.
    PersonalMilestone Anniversary
  • DD would have been an Elliot (with one T) if she had been a boy. We were leaning towards Elliot Jude. Since its such a long name, I would stick with a short and sweet MN.
    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
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