A little history on me: I took 3 rounds (50mg) of clomid w/ TTC#1. This time around, we had to bump it up to 100mg to get a response. I am currently on cycle #3 again & my temp just dropped, which usually means AF is on her way. Here's the dilema, DH is working out of town for the nxt 3mos. He's not so far away he couldn't come home, but I know it will make things more difficult & add more stress. I don't know if I should take a med break & just hope we might get lucky naturally; although it's not too likely since I usually only O about 5 times/yr on my own & it's so unpredictable it's tough to BD accordingly. Or if we should suck it up, do whatever we have to to meet up & BD in my fertile window, and hope we have success before my 6 cycles on clomid are done.
Sometimes it feels like our IF troubles consume my life because I have to keep track of it daily & plan around it & tell DH when it's time. It's all on me & frustrating too because my body is the one that doesn't work rt on its own, so that adds an emotional burden. At least we can be grateful we have our beautiful DD, but I know our family won't feel complete w/o at least 1 more. We'd really love to have 3 or 4, but I don't know if that's in the cards for us. I'm feeling a little discouraged & sad today.
Re: to continue w/ meds or not??
I am dealing with something a little like that, in January my husband took a new job and now works out of town (two weeks gone, two weeks home) plus I have really screwy cycles when even having them, so we have really low chances of being successful on our own! I know for me, babymaking was RULING my life for the 6 months before that, so we decided to take a few months off before trying hard again, going to see an re, etc. It has been really helpful for me to step back for awhile to just enjoy life and appreciate what I do have. I know it's hard to do though, I really wanted my kids to be between 2 and 3 years apart and that has come and gone during our "time off", but I am so much happier now that it has been totally worth it. Anyways sorry I don't have great advice, just thought I'd throw that out there since we have something a little similar going on!
What does your RE suggest?
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!