We haven't found out what we're having so we need names for both sexes:
1. For a girl, middle name is probably going to be Jean (family name), we have the following names so far: Gillian, Carleigh, Rebekah, Roselyn.
2. For a boy, middle name is Brian, we have for the first name: Zachary, Ethan, Garrett
Any suggestions would be helpful and if you hate all of these names, suggest some please!!!
Re: Team Green needs name help!
I really love Rebekah... this was my best friend's name growing up and I think it's lovely and a classic. I also love Rosalind (as in the Shakespearean character)... Roselyn is fine, but I think the spelling for that is traditionally Rosalyn. Gillian is a fine name, but people tend to pronounce it with a hard "G" as opposed to Jillian with the soft "J" sound, unless that's what you wanted. Throw out Carleigh... I hate names that highlight as misspelled words and anything -eigh screams tryndee and "my parents didn't know how to spell and were 16 when they had me".
As for boys, I really love that you have Zachary on your list! This is one of my favorite boy's names. You really don't see it that often any more, especially with all of the Ethans and Garretts running around. I do love Garrett, though... it was a family surname of mine and I tend to like it quite a bit. Ethan is quite the classic. I would go with Zachary Ethan Lastname or Zachary Garrett Lastname.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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I like Carleigh, and Rebekah, but prefer them spelled: Carly, Rebecca
I also like Ethan and Garrett. The other names are NMS.
From the names you listed I like Rebekah Jean and Garrett Brian. Ethan is my favorite boy name you listed, but it doesnt sound right with Brian.
I love Rebekah (prefer Rebecca). I love all your boy names!
I like all of your girl names, but I would tweak some spellings: Carly is easier, as is Rebecca (regardless of whether or not Rebekah is the original). And I wouldn't be sure how to pronounce Roselyn: Rose-lin? Rosaline?
Love Garrett, like Zachary, tired of Ethan.
All in all, you're doing well with nice, timeless choices! You have a big
from me, a random internet stranger ('cuz I know that is what you were going for)! 
1. Carleigh Jean (FSDs mn is Jean)
2. Zachary Brian (FBIL fn is Brian)