Hi ladies, team green here with our second DC. Our DS is named Aiden Cory and we are about 2 weeks or so away from due date with a short list of "ideas." Just looking for some unbiased opinions. So let me hear em'! Middle name will probably be a family name so I won't post those and our last name is Nelson. So pretty basic!
Girl names:
Boy names:
Opinions? Favorites? What sounds the best with a big brother named Aiden?
Re: coming out of lurking for opinions :) boy & girl names!
I like many of your girl names but they are REALLY popular right now so I pick Iris. It is a beautiful name that you never hear.
I like Miles and Elliot from your boy names
Scarlett and Iris are the only girl names I like on your list. I really like most of the boy names except Gabriel and Grayson - nothing wrong with it, just nms.
I like Scarlett and Iris from your girls list, and Miles and Grayson from your boys list.
ETA: I don't like Grayson afterall, after saying it with LN Nelson.
Girls: I like Violet and Iris
Boys: Elliot
From the girls' list, I love Scarlett, Iris, and Violet. And I think you mean Jocelyn, not Joslyn.
From the boys' list, I love Miles and Gabriel. The rest I could ditch.
Girls - Scarlett. The others are NMS
I like Parker, Preston and Elliott best!
I like Scarlett and Jocelyn or Joceline spelled this way.
For boys the only one I love out of your list is Gabriel nn gabe.
Parker is very unisex and very girl to me.
Love: Violet, Parker, Elliott
Like: Scarlett, Iris
Hate: Arabella, Joslyn, Miles, Preston, Emmett, Gabriel, Grayson
Of your girl choices, I like Iris.
For a boy- I like Miles.
I think either of those would make a great sibset with Aiden!
I guess Joslym
Gabriel is the only boy name i like most of the others are too trendy for me,
Girl names: Arabella & Scarlett
Boy names: Parker & Gabriel