I went to my 36wk OB appointment on the 31st at 10 am and mentioned that I had a few contractions the night before, but that they had gone away as soon as I got up and moving. The doctor sent me to L&D to ?rule out labor?. I was hooked up to monitors and not much was happening. Just before she was about to release me she decided to check my cervix. The nurse said, ?I?m sorry honey, but you are 5 cm. You are having these babies today.? I was shocked, surprised & worried. They did a quick ultrasound to see the position off the babies, two days prior at my scan they were both head down. My luck, baby B was feet down. The nurse said that she would notify to doctor and asked how long it would take DH to get there. I panicked because I didn?t know they would want to do it right away. I quickly called DH & called my sister to pick up DD. DH was there 20 minutes later when the surgeon on duty walked in and said he reviewed our case and had no problem attempting a breech extraction or turning the baby if that was the route we wanted to go(around noon). DH and I discussed it and prayed about it and decided we wanted to attempt vaginal labor. They broke my water and started pitocin and was given an epidural around 2pm. Things were progressing slowly, the epidural only took the edge off a little and my pain level was still around a 7 or 8, but that was better than 10. Not much happened until around 11 pm when I was begging for more pain meds, my contrax were around a 10 on a pain level and they were back to back. I felt so much pressure & they kept telling me that the anestisiologist was ?on his way?. It seemed like it took 10 years. He finally came & asked the nurse to check me first. I was 9 ? cm and they decided to hold off on the meds and prepped the OR in case of an emergency c-section. I was wheeled in to the OR around 10:30 and ready to push wether they liked it or not. I was in so much pain and felt tremendous pressure. They said the baby was crowning and DH said he could see his hair about 10 minutes into pushing. At this point on the next contraction I was trying so hard to focus & push right to make the pain end & all the sudden I felt the doctors finger pulling down on my vagina toward my anus trying to help stretch me the get the head out, I screamed out, ?move your finger?. His finger to me felt like he was going to rip my anus in half and I could not focus on pushing. The next three contrax were the same with him pulling down and me yelling out in PAIN asking him to stop, so we were not getting anywhere & I was balling and couldn?t catch my breath between contrax so they got out the oxygen. The anesthesiologist was holding the oxygen and decided to give me a small dose of pain meds so he handed the oxygen off the a nurse, the nurse pushed the mask firmly over my mouth and she was pinching the bridge of my nose with it & I felt like I was suffocating. I told her I cant breath and she said to calm down and take a deep breath. I told her I couldn?t breath and began turning my head side to side to get the mask off a little so she pressed it harder against my skin. After a minute I started to panic when I couldn?t catch my breath & so I finally reached up and yanked her had forcefully off of my mouth and took a huge deep breath, on the next contrax I pushed with everything I had in me and baby Hudson was born 5 minutes after midnight(They almost had different birthdays in different months.) at 12:05am weighing 5lbs 14oz 20 in. long. He was having trouble breathing, so they rushed him to NICU. They did a quick ultrasound and baby B was completely feet down and they were not sure were the placenta was, so they decided they were not comfortable with a breech extraction and started prepping me for a c-section. DH and I just held hands & I kept asking people about baby A. They all kind of ignored my questions, one smiled and nodded but didn?t say anything and then they started the c-section. Baby Maddox was born at 12:33am at 5lbs 5oz. 19 ? in. long. Hudson spent 7 days in NICU, he is home now and both babies are doing well.
Re: My April Fools/Stiches & Staples/Hell of a Birth Story
When things are calmer, I might consider filing a complaint with the patient advocate regarding them directly ignoring your wishes.
All of this!! Glad they are home and doing well. But I would be over the top peeved with the way things were handled. (Like why did they have to give you pit in the first place if you were already at a 5? Obviously your body was working on things naturally....and the nurse, oh man I'd probably have disclocated her shoulder LOL)
Ditto all of this! I'm glad the babies are doing well. Sorry you have such a rough recovery. I hope you're feeling well soon!