Per this thread, we're hoping to condense a lot of the "gawker" threads into one! We thought this would make them more fun to browse and the board an easier read. We'll start a new thread every day to keep the list fresh.
Anyone is welcome to add to the post--local hospital names, the awful name you over heard at the park, Facebook horrors, and anything else that might give us a good chuckle! Feel free to comment, too.
Re: Post your facebook, hospital & other name horrors here
If it is, I've never heard of it. It looks like it's pronounced EL-yas.
ughhh you won't believe it... local hospital name:
Neveuh Maddie-Sue
WTF is up with that spelling? of an already stupid name?
Yes - just ran across this lovely sib set.
Jaedyn (girl)
Rylyn (boy)
Yeah. I wish I was making those up. The double y, is it really necessary?