Baby Names

My head is going to explode. Please help me pick a boy's name.

Team Green here, girl name is good to go. Amelia Claire. But the boy name is actually making me sick at this point. Nothing really "jumps' out at me.

 All of the names would have Andrew after them, and our last name has two "k" sounds, which is the ONLY reason I don't love Clark. I don't hate it though, if it's "good enough." I'm just afraid of major alliteration.

Clark Andrew

Miles Andrew

William (Will) Andrew

Simon Andrew


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Re: My head is going to explode. Please help me pick a boy's name.

  • Love Miles Andrew!  It's adorable for a child but makes a great name for an adult as well.
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  • I've been really liking Simon lately, so my pick is Simon Andrew.


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  • Also, just out of curiousity, were you Team Green with your other 2 LO's?  We are thinking of going Team Green next time around, but weren't with DS. 
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  • LMS05LMS05 member

    Love William (Will) Andrew. Simon Andrew is also very nice. 

    Your little girl is adorable! I absolutely love her hair! Beautiful!

  • From one Team green mom to anotherSmile...

    I love Miles or William (Will). 

    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

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  • This is our first experience with Team Green. It's been really fun, except for the naming! We found out with Lucy and Mo because I really wanted a sister set first and just had to know. With this one, I'm 100% fine either way!
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  • I LOVE Simon Andrew !!! I agree with you, on the alliteration sounds. We have a strong C last name and I love several C sounding names but would never use them. That's my personal preference though. Wink

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • MIles Andrew or Simon Andrew.  I would go with Miles because I absolutely adore that name.
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  • Love Miles, Simon, and William. Wow, so hard to choose. I think I am learning more towards Miles though.
  • William is the only one I like.
  • I like Miles or William.
  • Miles Andrew!

    I love Clark, but with your LN, it sounds like it wouldn't be the best choice. They're all solid names, but I like Miles best.

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  • I love Simon Andrew :).. Actually, I like all of the names except Clark is nms
  • I love Miles Andrew.  SO cute!
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  • i was team green, it's so much fun being surprised! my vote is for william andrew. good luck!
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  • I vote William Andrew.
  • I love Miles Andrew, though I prefer it Andrew Miles for better flow.
  • I really love Miles Andrew! Great name.

    Second choice for me would be Simon Andrew.


  • Simon Andrew is perfect, IMHO.  2 of my top 5 favorite names.  William Andrew is pretty great too. not a fan of Clark or Miles.
  • imagedoremi29:
    Love Miles Andrew!  It's adorable for a child but makes a great name for an adult as well.


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  • of your choices I like Miles or William..


    I don't want to make your head burst but have you thought about Benjamin? I love Benjamin Andrew.

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  • LOVE Benjamin - but my SIL got there first and the most recent cousin before this one is Benjamin - bummer!
    imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I LOVE Miles Andrew and Simon Andrew.  Miles and Simon are a couple of my all-time favorite boy names.  I especially love Simon because it's familiar, easy to spell, but underused.
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  • imagedoremi29:
    Also, just out of curiousity, were you Team Green with your other 2 LO's?  We are thinking of going Team Green next time around, but weren't with DS. 


    What does this mean going team green?  I thought it was for anyone who didn't yet know the gender of their baby?

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  • I really like William & Simon.
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • I like Miles and William. Not a fan of Clark anyway, but especially w/ your last name, I would take that one off the list. Simon is OK.
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  • I love Miles and Simon is ok as well. 
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


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