Northern California Babies

RE: Morning Sickness

Thanks to all the ladies who gave me advice a few days ago about the morning sickness. I think my major problem was that I hadn't eaten much in 2-3 days. Once I started eating properly again, most of the sick feeling went away! Just a teeny bit in the morning. Sour things really do help (weird)! And the exhaustion has gotten more manageable too. I have to take an hour or so nap every day, but those first two days were killers. I couldn't do ANYTHING! So again, thanks ladies!
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Re: RE: Morning Sickness

  • Glad you're feeling better!

    I don't remember if anyone brought this up before, but check to see how much B6 is in your PNV since it can help with morning sickness. Mine had 35 mg (1750% DV) and I think that was a factor in how little nausea I experienced.

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  • Glad you are feeling better.
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  • imageZoeMay06:

    Glad you're feeling better!

    I don't remember if anyone brought this up before, but check to see how much B6 is in your PNV since it can help with morning sickness. Mine had 35 mg (1750% DV) and I think that was a factor in how little nausea I experienced.

    Interesting. I'm using the Rainbow Light Prenatal One from Whole Foods. It has 15 mg of B-6. 600% DV. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic My Boys! BabyFruit Ticker image
  • imageZoeMay06:

    Glad you're feeling better!

    I don't remember if anyone brought this up before, but check to see how much B6 is in your PNV since it can help with morning sickness. Mine had 35 mg (1750% DV) and I think that was a factor in how little nausea I experienced.

    I ditto this. I took a 100mg of B6 in addition to what was in my PNV and I think it was a huge reason why my morning sickness was very minimal this pregnancy.
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  • Oh man do I remember those first few days of not being able to even lift my fingers!  I'm so glad you're feeling better and ditto the Vitamin B6...I took it as well.
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  • so glad you're feeling better!
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