Baby Names

Too similar for a sib set?

I'm a long time lurker but have never posted...this post is a sign of how desperate we are to pick a name!

 While we are team green, my H and I think we're having a girl (in less than 2 weeks).  We have been searching and searching but can't seem to find a name that we both love--except for Harper (middle name will probably be June).  

The problem is that we already have a DS named Harrison.  Too similar, right? 

Any suggestions for names similar to Harper?  We do not like overly feminine, cutesy names.

Re: Too similar for a sib set?

  • I don't care for alliteration, but if it doesn't bother you, then I wouldn't say they're too similar... now, if they rhymed or had the same root, that would be a different story!
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  • Too similar for my style personally, but if you love the name and it's the only one you can agree on, then I say go for it. It would be a lot worse if they rhymed or had the same number of syllables. If you hollered up the stairs for one of them, they would still be able to decipher which one you were calling for.
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  • For me, it would depend on if you plan on having more children.  I think Harrison and Harper are pretty matchy, but I don't think it that bad.  UNLESS you plan on having more children, then I probably wouldn't do it.  It might sound odd down the road if you have Harrison, Harper, and Emma (for example).  But you know, even as I type that, I don't think it's a big deal.  So if you love it, go for it.

    Other name suggestions:








  • I personally think they're a little too close... Harper is on our list too, I will share some of the ones we're considering. My husband hates girl names, which is proving to be quite problematic, so we're trying to find "unisex" compromises. Also, check out'll provide suggestions based upon your tastes :)

    From our long list: Tatum, Rowan, Avery, Delaney, Reagan, Reese, Morgan, Emery, Quinn, Hadley, Shea

    Good luck! :) 

  • I am not a huge fan of the same letter sib sets but if it doesn't bug you and its "your" name then go for it.

    MH's cousin had Alex(andra) and just had Axel as 2.0.  I think those are really close and NMS, but its what they liked.

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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


  • I like Harper on its own and I am not a fan of basing a name choice on the names of other siblings.. so.. I'd say go for it!
  • imageAwBeth:

    For me, it would depend on if you plan on having more children.  I think Harrison and Harper are pretty matchy, but I don't think it that bad.  UNLESS you plan on having more children, then I probably wouldn't do it.  It might sound odd down the road if you have Harrison, Harper, and Emma (for example).  But you know, even as I type that, I don't think it's a big deal.  So if you love it, go for it.

    Other name suggestions:








    I have to disagree only because I was the odd one in my family and it never bothered me. My parents had Cathie, Caron, and Laura and most people never even thought about the different letter in mine. I do love some of these suggestions though. Willow and Piper are adorable.

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  • I just realized I failed to answer the original question. I don't think they're too similar. If you like the name and actually agree on it go for it.
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  • I don't think they are too similar.  Harper is a beautiful name!  Like a PP said, Piper also comes to mind as does Finley for names that are similar.  
    CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers


    Angel Baby: 5/29/08

  • Too similar IMO
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I do not think they are too similar.

    We considered Harper and ended up going with Hadley, but here are some other non cutesy names we liked:




    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Seems too cutesy to me, sorry.
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  • My sister and I were Rebecca and Rachael and it was actually kinda nice to share initials (We shared all three initials with two different L middle names). My mom enjoyed the convenience of labeling backpacks and jackets "RLF" and being able to pass them down from me to my sister too.

    So no, I don't think they're too similar :)

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  • I think Harper is adorable and not too matchy. I don't think most people would ever think of them being matchy in real life (as opposed to a baby names board that is made to scrutinize baby names Wink ).
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