kind of lurking, but been here a little while. just looking for some help.
DS' name is Grady John...
Can someone give me a girl & boy sibling name to go well with his name? We're at a complete loss... my SO has always wanted another boy to be named NERI (pronounced: KNEE-RY), but i can't do it. Not my style....
Any help would be so very appreciated! THANKS
Re: names to go with DS..
Happy Birth-day, momma!
BNW has a feature that gives you sibsets. hth.
Brody, Maxwell, Xander, Braden, Logan, Landon, Kyrill, Carson, Teagan
Riley, Sydney, Emma, Skyler, Layla, Sara
1998 Ovarian Cancer Survivor. 7 Miscarriages: 6w, 13w2d, 4w2d, 7w4d (DD's twin), 5w. Failed Tubal after c/s (!!): 5w2d, 6w4d
I have a Brady and a Nolan....Love Grady too. Here were some names on our list or some names you may like ::::
Girls::: Teagan, Aislinn, Bree, Nola, Shea, Nora, Keelin
Boys::: Nolan, Desmond (nn Des), Arlen, Devlin
Boys: Riley. Kyle. Patrick. Simon. Devan (Devon)
Girl: Candace. Wendy. Lenore. Bryna.