to use the name Maxim, without using the longer versions? Or is it like naming a kid Ben, not Benjamin? I feel like since it will likely be shortened further to Max, it's not exactly the same. Thoughts?
I'm aware of the magazine association. It doesn't bother me.
I like Maksim. That might make me feel less weird about it. Although we have no Russian heritage on either side. Oh well. It's on the list, but not the final decision.
Not weird since, as others said, it is a "real" name on its own. I know a little boy named Maxim. Just pronounce it how it's supposed to be pronounced: Max-eem, and not like the magazine.
I think it's fine as Maxim is an accepted given name. I'd compare it to Nathan, rather than Ben (Nathaniel->Nathan->Nate; Maximiliano (or whatever long Maxim-name)->Maxim->Max).
My family on my grandmother's side is Mexican and her brother and father were both named Maximo. My husband's cousin is married to a Maximino. Although I personally don't like the name because of the dirty magazine reference, it's just one of many variations of Max, so I don't see a problem with it in that regard.
Re: Is it weird
Makes me think of this too
This exactly.
I'm aware of the magazine association. It doesn't bother me.
I like Maksim. That might make me feel less weird about it. Although we have no Russian heritage on either side. Oh well. It's on the list, but not the final decision.
yeah, that's the first thing that came to my mind too.
i think Max works fine on it's own, and it would be on our list if i could get DH on board.
This. It's my husband's nephew's name, and it's awesome
Just Max is a good strong name without the long variations imo.
Maxim = Mens mag
Maxwell = He's gonna get called Maxwell House
Maximus = Everyone will assume you named him after Russell Crowe's character in the Gladiator movie
Maximilian = My friends son is called this and all the kids at school shout "Maximilian Thanks-a-million!"