With only 3 weeks left until my due date and I think we have a name figured out for our little girl, but the other night I started to have second thoughts about the name. I asked my husband if we were just settling on the name Amelia because we can't seem to find anything else we like? He really had no comment and was of no help. So I am seeking the help of you wonderful ladies! I have loved the name Amelia from the moment I found out we were having a girl. I still can't figure out what would be a nice middle name. A couple of options might be Grace (too popular) Rose (too popular) Elizabeth (my middle name) Lynn (my mother's middle name) Claire, Jane (not a huge fan). What are your thoughts? Should I worry that the name Amelia is growing in popularity or just go with it because I love the name so much?
Re: Stressing out over this name thing
Amelia is ADORABLE! I think Amelia Lynn is precious.
I have loved the name Norah for a long time and suddenly its becoming popular, and sort of giving me this same problem! But I think since I love it sooo much, we will go with it if we have a girl. I say go with the name you love!
Go with it
You love it, that's enough. Beyond that, it'll always be semi-popular because it IS a great name!
Amelia Victoria? Amelia Ruth? Just popped into my head...
1998 Ovarian Cancer Survivor. 7 Miscarriages: 6w, 13w2d, 4w2d, 7w4d (DD's twin), 5w. Failed Tubal after c/s (!!): 5w2d, 6w4d
if you really like it, then use amelia...don't worry about it's popularity.
from your list, i would go with claire elizabeth or elizabeth claire.