My husband and I are really having a hard time with names. We decided on Noah if its a boy, and Emily Grace if its a girl. I like Emily Grace as a first name. Do you hyphenate it, or just write 'Emily Grace' and then the middle name? I don't know what people usually do. I have all boys, so this girl thing is foreign to me! LOL! Please help with any suggestions!
Re: PLEASE help with name!
Emily Grace Middle Name.
Hyphens are silly.
Why are you giving her 2 first names?
I know a guy named "Michael Paul *mn* *ln*" and his whole life everyone called him Michael Paul and he hated it.
This for me too. But if you do decide to do 2 first names, definitely no hyphen!
If you are having a hard time coming up with a MN, why not just name her Emily Grace LN.
Then you can call her Emily Grace. It's really common from where I am from. Everybody in the nursery I work at is called by there FN/MN .... just a thought! GL
examples: (all FN/MN but go by both)
Emma Jane
Mary Katherine
Elleigh Mae
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