Ok, I posted the other day with other names, but I keep coming back to Caitlin. It was our somewhat back up name with DD #1, but I couldn't get over how many stinkin' ways there are to spell it! I really love the original Irish spelling--I'm not about the kreative spellings.

I really love how we could shorten it to Cate as well.
Re: Honest thoughts on Caitlin
I think all the ridiculous spellings ruined it for me. The Caitlin form is beautiful, but there are sooooo many spellings now that I think it would be a total PITA for a kid.
I also think Claire and Cate are a little matchy for my taste.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
That's my main concern. My name also has 12 or so ways to spell it, and I'm forever correcting people!
I'm a Caitlin/Cait and you are correct ? no one will ever spell it correctly. If that bothers you, this is not the name for you. Then again, there are very few names that will be spelled correctly all the time. But it is annoying ? even my grandmother can't spell it correctly.
My big problem with Caitlin is that it is dated, meaning that everybody knows that I am under 30 just by looking at my name. This has been a bit of a problem in my profession, which is still dominated by older men. I have a harder time being taken seriously. Maybe that won't be as big a problem for your Caitlin because there will be a whole generation of Caitlins before her, but it has not been good for me. Even though I know there are plenty of historical Caitlins, it feels dated and flimsy, not timeless and substantial.
But if you do use it, please spell it Caitlin. I cry every time another Khaytelynne is born.
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