Per this thread, we're hoping to condense a lot of the "gawker" threads into one! We thought this would make them more fun to browse and the board an easier read. We'll start a new thread every day to keep the list fresh.
Anyone is welcome to add to the post--local hospital names, the awful name you over heard at the park, Facebook horrors, and anything else that might give us a good chuckle! Feel free to comment, too.
Re: Post your facebook, hospital & other name horrors here
Went to high school with a guy named Golden Johnson. No lie.
From the local hospital:
Colden (boy)
Mother's name was Mercedes...named her daughter Bentley
LOL! ummm.....
My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09
My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11
I said, brr, >>clap, clap<< it's Colden here. >>clap<<
There must be some Torros in the atmosphere.
Rerun of House Hunters the other day - woman had a 20 year old daughter named Brantley and 11 year old (female) twins named Logan and Evan.
Girl I went to middle school with who I was convinced would be a crack whore (because she said her dad told her she could quit school at 16
) - well, it looks like she did graduate from high school, but she has a daughter named Lylian.
Brixton? Ew. WTF?
I just saw a Jayke in another post. I am not a fan of the random Y.
Along those lines, one of my friends from high school has a son named Jaymz. Thankfully, they call him Jamie.
My mom is a teacher and has a friend whose kid named their new daughter Bryx. (Pronounced BRICKS)
Hospital (from when Cameron was in the NICU):
Knarley Rider---I felt bad for the little guy from the time I saw him, but especially once I saw his name
Casper (I can't think of the MN)
In the park: