Since we *just know* someone will come onto our board today and tell us they know someone who knows someone with one of these names...
which UL name would you use if you HAD to?
Eczema (nn Exy)
Urine (Urin-ie)
Female (fuh-MALL-ee)
Male (MALL-ee)
*** (Ah-SHOL-ee)
Shithead (shaw-THAYD)
Orangejello (or-AN-juh-lo)
Testicles (TESS-tic-lees)
La-a (La-dash-a)
Or another one?
(I tried to make it a clicky poll but for some reason I haven't been able to make any clicky polls for a few days- grr, sorry though)
Re: In honor of April's Fools Day: what urban legend name would you use?
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
Confession: I actually really like Female. It just sounds regal to me. Plus, it reminds me of tamales, which I love. Maybe as a second middle name?
this is hilarious!
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!