Paired with a short (kinda stumpy sounding), two syllable last name?
Forever missing Baby Z #3 ~ Natural m/c 4.12.2010 at 11w2d
*So proud and so lucky to be the mommy of two beautiful little girls
and one handsome little man*
RJ~5.17.2005~born @ 37w due to IUGR~4lbs 15ozs
Al~4.5.2008~born big and healthy @ 38w~7lbs 9.5ozs
Lil man~5.20.2011~born big and healthy @ 39w (after one he!! of a pregnancy)~8lbs 1oz

Re: Is Alexander Gregory a mouthful??
EDD 1/5/13
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="
Yes, its a mouthful.
Alexander James
Alexander Lee
Gregory Paul
Thanks for the opinion/options, but there is absolutely no changing the mn Gregory (it's a family name on both sides and on both sides it is a first name, therefore we will have it as his mn).
*So proud and so lucky to be the mommy of two beautiful little girls
and one handsome little man*
RJ~5.17.2005~born @ 37w due to IUGR~4lbs 15ozs
Al~4.5.2008~born big and healthy @ 38w~7lbs 9.5ozs
Lil man~5.20.2011~born big and healthy @ 39w (after one he!! of a pregnancy)~8lbs 1oz