Cloth Diapering

Staining on my GroVia inserts & AIOs

Anyone have a super fool proof way of getting the stains out? So far, I have done an 8 hr soak in hot water with detergent and it's only faded a bit.

My wash routine (regular good old fashioned top loader) Extra heavy wash. Cold rinse, warm/cold wash with soap and extra rinse.  Second wash no soap, extra rinse.  I was every other day, and if they are washed on the 3rd day, I do an extra wash and rinse just in case. 

Any suggestions? If the weather here ever gets above 40 degrees, I'd love to be able to line dry them in the sun because i know that would help fade them.  Someone suggested using a mixture of lemon juice and water and letting them air dry in the sun.  Has anyone tried this?

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Re: Staining on my GroVia inserts & AIOs

  • grovias stain.  its just hiw it is.
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  • imageyodasmistress:
    grovias stain.  its just hiw it is.

    This.  I have no clue why, but my GroVias stain much worse than my other diapers.  You can still sun them indoors, though.  I did this the other day and even though it wasn't the sunniest day and the diaper didn't stay there long (we were leaving the house and DH is paranoid about leaving the curtains open if we are gone) I saw an improvement.

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  • my grobaby inserts don't stain, but the one single grovia insert i have did.

    and out of all my stash, that one is the only one that is stained. i've sunned it and it lightened up, i haven't tried the lemon juice thing though.

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  • Thanks ladies.  The store I purchased from said the staining has to do with the inserts being made from 100% organic cotton?  The 8 hr soak did help, so maybe I'll do that again and then try the lemon juice mixture on a few and dry them in the sun and see if there is a difference.  I'll keep ya posted ;)

     It's those darned bananas, I tell ya!

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  • Supposedly 100% organic cottons are untreated and hence tend to pick up more stains. Anyways, you don't have to line dry them outside. I rack dry inside all the time. Just pick a spot near the window where the sun stays longest. HTH :)
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  • We actually have hte perfect amount of sun in the front of our house and picture windows.  I just have the problem of 1) a dog who loves to lay under the drying rack (and she's not small by any means), 2) a DD who loves to roll towards anything new and try to pull stuff down (!) and 3) a DH who hates having the blinds open.  Here's hoping he's working tomorrow so I can give this a whirl ;)
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