
Anyone want to buy a P&T vibe for cheap?

I have one for sell. Holla!

Re: Anyone want to buy a P&T vibe for cheap?

  • Whats cheap lol :) are you taking bids?
  • hmm wonder if I should ask your bid before I tell you my price ; ) away!

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  • Unfortunately  I'm a poor scientist whose bid would only be sadly insulting lol. I wanted a P&T so bad but couldn't justify spending my $$ on one brand new.

     A girl can  dream tho....and btw I swear Reagan gets prettier everydayStick out tongue

  • Aw thanks! Your sig is adorable too!

    I think I'm going to sell it for $500 w/ the doubles kit. I've only used it 3 times!

  • Yeah I was looking on Ebay and they seem to have amazing re-sale value, even used!  What  didnt you like about it just out of curiosty? In  case I ever win the lottery :)  I settled for a sit n stand and I have to say I actually like it a lot.
  • I think I might put it on ebay.

    The main thing is R is just too big for it and the other thing is the brake is on the handlebar. It is a great stroller it just doesn't work for us!

  • You think someone is going to buy that thing after all the junk you've said about it?!   ;)

    I would put it on ebay or craigslist.

    The only thing about ebay is the shipping cost.  When I sold my bumbleride, it was going to cost about $80 to send it ups.  Thankfully, my dad sent it from his office and I didn't have to pay a dime!

  • How big/tall is your DD? I was thinking of getting one or the Dash, but my DD is 37 in. tall and 31 lbs. and #2 is not due til April.
  • Paulina when I say big I mean "she" thinks she is too big for it. She fits in it just fine. ; ) SOO sassy!
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