Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Holy cranky DS...

I have B/G twins...and I'm getting so frustrated. I don't know what DSs deal is. DD plays independently very well. I can put her in her high chair and she's patient while I'm making them lunch, bottles, whatever. DS? Throws a sh*t f*t for seemingly no reason at all.

He'll be playing on the floor with some toys seemingly content, out of nowhere he is screaming bloody murder like someone is ripping his toenails off.

The second I put him down in his high chair and put his bib on? Screaming. Even AS I'm feeding him. He'll be eating just fine then all of a sudden he's whacking the spoon out of my hand and screaming again!

He's cut 6 teeth already, and I don't think any of the other ones are getting close to cutting. He's well rested (ie, just up from a nap). He has no fever and no ear infection - we were just at the pedi for their well-baby last week. Is there such a thing as a bipolar baby (joking) or is this just a phase? Good heavens.

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Re: Holy cranky DS...

  • Sounds like a temper- my DS just found his too. His is the same way- comes on all of the sudden, but doesn't last long. I sometimes find it funny!
  • I almost loled at the toenails comment. I think So is just impatient and willfull. She screams sometimes if dinner isn't ready the moment she's in the high chair.
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