We're a little torn on our names. We're team green so we have boy and girl names. Our last name starts with M and is short. What would be your first choice below? TIA!
Samuel Arthur M... (Sam)
Douglas Arthur M.... (Doug)
Paige Olivia M...
Alexandra Olivia M... (Alexa)
Re: Opinions please - boy and girl names
I like Samuel and Paige the best!
Not a fan of Doug. Alexandra is pretty but I'm tired of it and not a fan of Alexa.
I like Samuel for a boy and Alexandra for a girl, I do not like the name Paige at all, I don't see the appeal of it. It's what a servant was called way back and I don't see why it's considered a desirable name.
Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
That would be pageboy, not paigeboy.
If your last name is short, I'd go with a longer first name, so Alexandra (although I don't like Alexa either--it sounds kind of snobby to me).
Samuel and Alexandra
I like Douglas, it?s uncommon
and I love Paige, it was on our list of options and came a close 2nd