Recently, I've really been liking Arthur, which is a big deal for me because I don't like any boys' names. I have a very small list of names I can tolerate, but none that I love.
Problem: DD's name is Amalia and she is often called Molly or Mollywobbles. DH has nixed Arthur on the grounds that it is too Harry Potterish. I should add that DH is a redhead and there's a chance the kids might be too, pushing us further into Weasley territory.
Question: Can I keep Arthur on my list? Is the Harry Potter thing too glaring?
Note also that DH wanted to name DD Lily Evans because Lily is his favorite name and Evans is his mom's maiden name. I vetoed this on Harry Potter grounds, so there is precedent.
Re: Molly and Arthur?
Hmm well Molly is the matriarch of the Weasley family, so maybe the HP connection is too strong with Arthur.
For what it's worth, I'm a big HP fan and I wouldn't have made the connection but you pointed it out.
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
To be honest, I did pick up on the Weasley connection right away, but I'm a HP nerd. lol
I think it's fine, and they are both great names. Now if you were going for Harry and Hermione, I think people would definitely catch it.
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
Um. I really like the Harry Potter series. But I honestly don't think of HP for any of these names. Yes, I am sure some devoted HP fans will but honestly... they are classic names that were strong long before HP. Arthur reminds me more of King Arthur lore than HP.
Ditto. If you would have said Harry and Hermione it would have been different.
Lol. No, I didn't zone. It's just that the names are so classic (and in some eras, common), that they didn't jump out to me as unique to the book or characters. So Rowling has good taste in names... good for her! But like a pp said... her most unique, memorable picks are not on the table here.
Thanks everyone!
I agree that Arthur is not fatally Harry Potterish ? it's the combination of Arthur + Molly that I worry about.
I'll keep it on the list for now, but the combo is a bit strike against it.
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