My friend is a scientist/medical researcher and works at a hospital. Every once in awhile she has to call patients to ask questions regarding her research. She told me that recently she had to call a patient and the name listed was "La-a". She wasn't sure how to pronounce it, and also thought it could possibly be a typo so when she called she did her best and asked for "Lah ah" which is how I would pronounce it if I had to. The man who answered the phone got really offended and said in an angry tone, "It's Ladasha, the dash ain't silent!".
Seriously? That is really horrible!
Re: Worst Name Ever!
Do you really believe this? Check
We hear this once a day. I can't believe you took the energy to type up that urban legend. Yours is lengthier than most. Good job on being gullible.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
I seriously only open "worst name ever" posts to verify that the name inside is La-a.
My cousin actually had a dog named this growing up. Pretty chow! I was little too and it took me a few months to 'get it'. LOL!
Good dog name- not so much for a kid.
Me too!
That was harsh. Whether or not the urban legend or children named La-a/Sha-a came first "Dash-a's" exsist. My SIL has a Sha-a in her preschool class. I have seen the roster and the little girl.