Baby Names

Worst Name Ever!

My friend is a scientist/medical researcher and works at a hospital. Every once in awhile she has to call patients to ask questions regarding her research. She told me that recently she had to call a patient and the name listed was "La-a". She wasn't sure how to pronounce it, and also thought it could possibly be a typo so when she called she did her best and asked for "Lah ah" which is how I would pronounce it if I had to. The man who answered the phone got really offended and said in an angry tone, "It's Ladasha, the dash ain't silent!". 

Seriously? That is really horrible!  

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Re: Worst Name Ever!

  • Do you really believe this? Check

    We hear this once a day. I can't believe you took the energy to type up that urban legend. Yours is lengthier than most. Good job on being gullible.

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  • Is 0-3 doing ToD? I recognize the shark in your sig now that I think about it.
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  • Nope, I'm just totally gullible. The person that my friend called actually said this according to her. Dang it! 
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  • lo722lo722 member
    So unfortunately these urban legends are making it to real names.  I work in a peds ER and have seen a La-a, LionKing, D.O.G (pronounced as it is spelled), SirKnowledge and have heard only about the orangejello and yellowjello from other co-workers.  So even if they started out as rumors, someone is thinking theses are "cool" names and naming their child
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  • I seriously only open "worst name ever" posts to verify that the name inside is La-a.

    Previously known as *Scuzzlebutt*

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  • imagelo722:
    So unfortunately these urban legends are making it to real names.  I work in a peds ER and have seen a La-a, LionKing, D.O.G (pronounced as it is spelled), SirKnowledge and have heard only about the orangejello and yellowjello from other co-workers.  So even if they started out as rumors, someone is thinking theses are "cool" names and naming their child


    My cousin actually had a dog named this growing up. Pretty chow! I was little too and it took me a few months to 'get it'. LOL!

    Good dog name- not so much for a kid.

  • NannaNanna member

    I seriously only open "worst name ever" posts to verify that the name inside is La-a.

    Me too!

  • Even if it is a urban legion someone somewhere will name their baby this think about the whole Neaveh thing, its all over the place.  Just saying!!!
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  • That was harsh.  Whether or not the urban legend or children named La-a/Sha-a came first "Dash-a's" exsist.  My SIL has a Sha-a in her preschool class.  I have seen the roster and the little girl. 

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