Babies: 9 - 12 Months

for the brand new CD converts

like Kelso and broomy, how is it going?
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Re: for the brand new CD converts

  • I'm neither of those girls, but I'll answer anyways :)


    I'm a believer! I'm sending back my Jillian's Drawers this week because my trial is over, and I ended up ordering a starter stash of Kawaii's.  I needed something a little easier on the wallet, and since we're not having another for a long time, I figured I would go with what we could easily afford right now.  I had gone back and forth between them, and the Sun Baby's.  I decided again SunBaby's, really because I wanted them quicker, and Kawaii's were better known.  

     I really like the Hemp inserts for extra overnight protection.  I usually use two microfibers and a hemp, which may be overkill, but I have never had a leak.  The ONLY leak we've had was when I didn't realize it, and the liner I use to catch the poo was sticking out the sides of the leg part.  

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  • imageBurnNurse:

    I'm neither of those girls, but I'll answer anyways :)


    I'm a believer! I'm sending back my Jillian's Drawers this week because my trial is over, and I ended up ordering a starter stash of Kawaii's.  I needed something a little easier on the wallet, and since we're not having another for a long time, I figured I would go with what we could easily afford right now.  I had gone back and forth between them, and the Sun Baby's.  I decided again SunBaby's, really because I wanted them quicker, and Kawaii's were better known.  

     I really like the Hemp inserts for extra overnight protection.  I usually use two microfibers and a hemp, which may be overkill, but I have never had a leak.  The ONLY leak we've had was when I didn't realize it, and the liner I use to catch the poo was sticking out the sides of the leg part.  

    I have 3 Kawaii's and they are my favorite diapers! I'm going to order a bunch more soon to bring to daycare

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  • Oh I love Kawaiis.  And I just bought some Kawaii Overnights or Goodnights used from someone the CD board and I think they are fabulous.  Haven't had a leak yet 
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  • I can't wait to get started.  I'm waiting until we move into our new house and no longer have shared laundry.

    Bar tab = $156,000, Bus to Foxwoods = $0, Puking in the Stanley Cup = Priceless

  • I'll add my experiences.  We started a few weeks ago and I was dumb and ordered like 10 Fuzzibunz OS.  My friend uses them and talked them up so much.  Well, they leak a ton on DS. Grrrrrr

    I also bought some of the Thirsties pockets and really like those.

    I'm curious to see what the people who did the Jillian's trial liked. 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageBrit710:

    I'll add my experiences.  We started a few weeks ago and I was dumb and ordered like 10 Fuzzibunz OS.  My friend uses them and talked them up so much.  Well, they leak a ton on DS. Grrrrrr

    I also bought some of the Thirsties pockets and really like those.

    I'm curious to see what the people who did the Jillian's trial liked. 

    You broke the cardinal rule of CDing.  Never buy too much of one thing until you try it and know what you like.  I hated the FB OS.  

    Try and sell them on the CD board.  CDs hold their resale value really well 

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  • imageyankeebaby2:

    I'll add my experiences.  We started a few weeks ago and I was dumb and ordered like 10 Fuzzibunz OS.  My friend uses them and talked them up so much.  Well, they leak a ton on DS. Grrrrrr

    I also bought some of the Thirsties pockets and really like those.

    I'm curious to see what the people who did the Jillian's trial liked. 

    You broke the cardinal rule of CDing.  Never buy too much of one thing until you try it and know what you like.  I hated the FB OS.  

    Try and sell them on the CD board.  CDs hold their resale value really well 

    I know. I know.  Damn peer pressure.  Peer pressure and the strangest shaped child ever. I also feel like the material they are made out of is a pain to wash.  That could just be me though.    

     See that other posters.  Don't do what I did.   

    Sounds like I will try Kawaii's next (just one of course). Any other pocket diaper suggestions ladies? 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageBrit710:

    I'll add my experiences.  We started a few weeks ago and I was dumb and ordered like 10 Fuzzibunz OS.  My friend uses them and talked them up so much.  Well, they leak a ton on DS. Grrrrrr

    I also bought some of the Thirsties pockets and really like those.

    I'm curious to see what the people who did the Jillian's trial liked. 

    You broke the cardinal rule of CDing.  Never buy too much of one thing until you try it and know what you like.  I hated the FB OS.  

    Try and sell them on the CD board.  CDs hold their resale value really well 

    I know. I know.  Damn peer pressure.  Peer pressure and the strangest shaped child ever. I also feel like the material they are made out of is a pain to wash.  That could just be me though.    

     See that other posters.  Don't do what I did.   

    Sounds like I will try Kawaii's next (just one of course). Any other pocket diaper suggestions ladies? 


    Blueberry!!!!!!  I also really like BumGenius 4.0s. I like Blueberry a lot because they have super cute patterns.

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  • Yes, blueberry minkys! They have the best patterns.  Bumgeniuses are great but so plain.  

    Stay away from Happy Heineys.

    I love my rumparooz but the baby outgrew the rise last month and they didn't last me through potty training

    A12s are awesome.  They are waterproof and they have the nicest patterns like fitted diapers but they don't need a cover 

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  • The AI2's I don't understand.  You just replace the shell if something gets on it right?  We tried one and had to change the whole thing every single time because he would get at least pee on it.  It was a softbums.

    I did get a Happy Heiney for free I have yet to use.  Thanks for the heads up on that one. 

    What are some good websites to order from? 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageBrit710:

    The AI2's I don't understand.  You just replace the shell if something gets on it right?  We tried one and had to change the whole thing every single time because he would get at least pee on it.  It was a softbums.

    I did get a Happy Heiney for free I have yet to use.  Thanks for the heads up on that one. 

    What are some good websites to order from? 

    We use Best Bottoms which are AI2s.  We rotate between 2 shells for 2 days.  After we take it off her, we spray it with some water and wipe it down and let it air dry until the next change.  The BB shells are just PUL so you can easily wipe them down and the inside dries super fast.

    We ordered them from Nicki's Diapers since she has free shipping on all BBs.

    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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  • I mostly order from and If your going to order Kawaii's order directly from the website for the best deals super heavy duty are their regular diaper (higher rise than FB or BG) and the overnights are really good for us for well overnight of course! lol
  • imageBrit710:

    I'll add my experiences.  We started a few weeks ago and I was dumb and ordered like 10 Fuzzibunz OS.  My friend uses them and talked them up so much.  Well, they leak a ton on DS. Grrrrrr

    I also bought some of the Thirsties pockets and really like those.

    I'm curious to see what the people who did the Jillian's trial liked. 

    We love our fuzzibunz. Have you tried adjusting the elastic around the legs? Also, we always use a hemp insert with the microfiber and we have a leak, maybe one time? GL

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