Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Just quite pumping...

Hello Mamas,

I have been an exclusive pumper the last 9 months and my boobies are done! I just can't take it anymore...but enough of my complaining. I'm curious if anyone else stopped bf or pumping around 9 months and what you gave baby instead. Formula? Brand? Type? Amount?

Thanks :) Whitney 


Re: Just quite pumping...

  • if you are not Bfing anymore, your child should get formula.   There isn't one brand that is better or worse.  It is kind of trial and error, we have been through 8-9.

    If you child doesn't have any allergies or gas issues.  I would probably start with Similac Advanced or Similac Sensitive.


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  • i'm really ready to quit.. and have started giving a BM?formula bottle at night because she really fights that feeding and the bottle is so much easier, but I don't pump enough, so I give what i pumped the night before and then add formula to make it enough.. I didn't want to jerk her little system around, but she gets formula in cereal any way and it dosen't seem to bother her.  

    I thought I I cold hang it out the Pedi said around 11 months I could start with CM, but I think I may wean to formula at least partly before then.

    I'm using emfamil as that is what I had (sample cans) 

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  • I think my daughter is slowing down too, I've been blessed that I've wanted to BF and had enough milk to do it. But just wanted to add that I did a little research when I was pregnant in case I went with formula and the non brand name formulas like Target brand for instance have the same ingredients as say enfamil or Similac etc. but much cheaper. Just a thought...
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  • Today was my last day pumping, too. There are three weeks until my sons birthday, and he will be on formula until then.
  • I am in the process of dropping pumping sessions.  I am down to three sessions.  Any tips?  i recently got a clogged duct.  Did you just keep dropping sessions or did you just pump less from each session??  Thanks so much!
  • When I started pumping I was literally pumping every 4 hours, and in the middle of the was awful. But slowly I was able to go longer between pumpings.

    Months 5&6 I pumped 3 times a day and month 7 I decided to go down to 2 times a day. I didn't feel like I was going to explode, so I dropped one easily. For 2 days I pumped less out of the middle of the day pumping and then just dropped it.Then I'd pump once in the morning and again at night.

    I did the same thing for dropping down to 1 pumping. My boobs were a bit sore, but nothing that I couldn't handle or made me feel like I might be getting a breast infection. I decided to drop the morning pumping and keep the night pumping, because it's easier to sleep with empty boobies!

    I did one pumping for about a week (I just needed to be done) until I didn't feel like I needed to pump when I woke up and now I haven't pumped at all in 4 days. I think I'll pump a little today or tomorrow because right now they are big (haha!), not engorged, just a bit uncomfortable especially when I'm holding my baby. My doc also told me to ice them, so every once and a while I do.

    Lastly, I started birth control when I decided to stop because that is supposed to decrease your milk supply.  

    I don't think there is any right way, just do what your boobies tell you :)

    Good Luck! 


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