Hello Mamas,
I have been an exclusive pumper the last 9 months and my boobies are done! I just can't take it anymore...but enough of my complaining. I'm curious if anyone else stopped bf or pumping around 9 months and what you gave baby instead. Formula? Brand? Type? Amount?
Thanks Whitney
Re: Just quite pumping...
if you are not Bfing anymore, your child should get formula. There isn't one brand that is better or worse. It is kind of trial and error, we have been through 8-9.
If you child doesn't have any allergies or gas issues. I would probably start with Similac Advanced or Similac Sensitive.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
i'm really ready to quit.. and have started giving a BM?formula bottle at night because she really fights that feeding and the bottle is so much easier, but I don't pump enough, so I give what i pumped the night before and then add formula to make it enough.. I didn't want to jerk her little system around, but she gets formula in cereal any way and it dosen't seem to bother her.
I thought I I cold hang it out the Pedi said around 11 months I could start with CM, but I think I may wean to formula at least partly before then.
I'm using emfamil as that is what I had (sample cans)
vegan mama, military wife
When I started pumping I was literally pumping every 4 hours, and in the middle of the night...it was awful. But slowly I was able to go longer between pumpings.
Months 5&6 I pumped 3 times a day and month 7 I decided to go down to 2 times a day. I didn't feel like I was going to explode, so I dropped one easily. For 2 days I pumped less out of the middle of the day pumping and then just dropped it.Then I'd pump once in the morning and again at night.
I did the same thing for dropping down to 1 pumping. My boobs were a bit sore, but nothing that I couldn't handle or made me feel like I might be getting a breast infection. I decided to drop the morning pumping and keep the night pumping, because it's easier to sleep with empty boobies!
I did one pumping for about a week (I just needed to be done) until I didn't feel like I needed to pump when I woke up and now I haven't pumped at all in 4 days. I think I'll pump a little today or tomorrow because right now they are big (haha!), not engorged, just a bit uncomfortable especially when I'm holding my baby. My doc also told me to ice them, so every once and a while I do.
Lastly, I started birth control when I decided to stop because that is supposed to decrease your milk supply.
I don't think there is any right way, just do what your boobies tell you
Good Luck!