Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Looking for me?

I think a few of you were interested in what is going on over here.

Everything is ok. I was unable to get the text records from our provider, but I have been monitoring DH's text/calls online and he has not contacted her since that one night. He swears it will never happen again, that he is completely devastated that he texted her in the first place and is heartbroken that he hurt me so badly. He said he has no idea what happened between him feeling flattered, putting the number in his pocket, thinking "I'll go home and tell my wife about it and have a good laugh", to actually texting her. He says it was very immature of him, he knew nothing would come of it, that he was planning on stopping it, and that it was just all very stupid of him.

I'm still hurt. My heart aches at night for my husband that had ALWAYS been faithful to hold me again. 

But, I do love him, more than I ever knew before. I know his eyes have been opened and he says he loves me so much more than he ever knew as well. In the long run, I think this will have a positive affect on our relationship.

For now, we take it one day at a time.

Remember when the sound of little feet was the music we danced to week to week? Brought back the love, we found trust; vowed we'd never give it up. Remember when?

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