How are you handling opening gifts? Will you open in front of everyone or will you wait until later? I've been to a lot of parties recently where people don't open gifts. This is very new to me. But part of me sees the value in it. We're going to have between 50-65 guests. That is more than just a handful of gifts and I don't know how much interest Asher is going to have in it. During the holidays I was surprised by how very little interest he had. I'm thinking that opening gifts could be a long drawn out boring experience for the other kids that will be there. I brought it up to MIL that we may do gifts afterwards and I thought she was going to explode. Apparently its like the height of rudeness. So what are you honest thoughts?
Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling
PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion
My Spring Babies!

Angel Baby
Elisabeth Adelle April 2008

Asher Benjamin April 2010
Lola Aisling May 2014
Re: Those of you having a lot of guests for 1st BDAY
We had approximately 45 ppl at DS's 2nd birthday last year, and we did open gifts. He loved it, and honestly it was at a park and some people left early so it wasn't a big deal. We did it at the end, and some people watched while others were walking the trails and so forth.
On his 1st birthday there was around 25 people, and he wasn't really in tune to opening gifts at all but we still did it and got it on tape.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)