I'm looking for recommendations on wagons (step 2/radio flyer/etc) for my son's 1st bday gift. What's your experience? Is 1 better than another for any particular reason?
my friend has a 16 month old and they have the radio flyer pathfinder one. when i bring dd over to visit we can take both kids and they are super secure and they both really love it. dd is only 18 lbs and she stays put very well. she will be getting one for her bday.
We have the little tikes wagon and it's great. There is a cooler in the floor, 2 seatbelts, and it converts to a bench! It holds 250 lbs. I don't know who enjoys it more - LO or me!
we have a radio flyer, i don't know the exact product name. it has two seats with seatbelts, they can fold down if needed, there are cupholders and a canopy that is removable.
i love it! the canopy is awesome, it's SPF fabric, and it's perfect in the sun. it's easily removable if you don't need it. we got ours for my DS's first birthday, from walmart.com (free site to store shipping.)
Re: wagons?
I have my eye on this one @ toys r us:
we have a radio flyer, i don't know the exact product name. it has two seats with seatbelts, they can fold down if needed, there are cupholders and a canopy that is removable.
i love it! the canopy is awesome, it's SPF fabric, and it's perfect in the sun. it's easily removable if you don't need it. we got ours for my DS's first birthday, from walmart.com (free site to store shipping.)