Babies: 9 - 12 Months

MIL really? its your only grandchilds first birthday party...

My MIL just called my husband to tell him that she can't be at LOs first birthday very long so no one is allowed to hold her or play with her while she is there. oh, and she brought up the fact that she didnt even get to hold her at her baptism (which was SIX months ago, and has seen her at least a dozen times since, and she did hold her, I have photos). The reason she can't stay long is because someone entered her in a dog show in our town (where the party is) and even though she said no to it, she is a professional handler, they still entered her, and of course she is now going.


This is from the same lady who told me not to cloth diaper my LO because they might get dirty. 

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