Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Question about Jogger strollers (and a PIP)

Does anyone know what brand name this stroller is?


Sorry, picture is bad - got it off their website.

So we are going on vacation this summer and are thinking about renting some baby items (PnP, high chair and stroller) instead of going through the hassle of flying with all of ours. We are renting a beach house so no hotel to rely for some of this stuff. I wanted to do some research on the quality of this stroller but I am not getting a response on the website or by calling... And I am just impatient!

My general question about Joggers: I am concerned about her napping in the stroller... Do they normally recline like our travel system one does? That is my main concern. She naps very well in our stroller and I don't want to be away on vacation and have to go back to the condo for every nap!



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Re: Question about Jogger strollers (and a PIP)

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