Don't tell me kids aren't smart! We don't normally give Asher a sippy cup,
but he is a little dehydrated. Well today Kylee (2 years) saw Asher drinking
from a sippy and went over to him, grabbed it from him and said "No!
Asher Ben, unsafe! Could be so sad!" Share that with people who think
that children can't understand life threatening allergies in the
classroom! If my two year old niece understands.....KWIM?
Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling
PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion
My Spring Babies!

Angel Baby
Elisabeth Adelle April 2008

Asher Benjamin April 2010
Lola Aisling May 2014
Re: Cute story from this morning
That's a realy cute story. She was looking out. My nephew is 7 and we have a rule that we don't have shoes on our carpet. Well, my nephew came to my house one day after school and I wanted to go upstairs to change my clothes so I asked him if he could watch E for a min or two. I came back downstairs and he had taken her shoes off (which I didn't ask him to do) and she was standing up. I asked him if he had taken her shoes off and he said, "Yeah. Don't want her to get in trouble for wearing shoes on the carpet." I died. SO CUTE!!
That is really cute!
DS - 5/2010
DD - 6-2013
TTC #3 - Cycle #9
Dude, obviously. The point here is that you can teach older children, if such a young child can understand even at the most elementary level, to understand things like this. Haha...but no we will not be relying on Kylee to make sure the house is allergen free for Asher.