Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Serenity Now!!

I hate when DH gets sick.  Ugh.  He's normally a very level headed guy who doesn't let much get in his way.  But, as soon as he gets sick...BOOM!  It's like he's dying. 

I just cooked breakfast for dinner (at his request) and he barely ate any of it, I fed Liam, I've vacuumed the upstairs, I'm attempting to do baby laundry, I have to bathe Liam and put him to bed and THEN do my laundry, vacuum and dust the downstairs, and write lesson plans for next week and clean up the kitchen.  Oh, did I mention I had the SAME sickness a couple of days ago and I still managed to go to work and take care of Liam?  I asked DH if he could feed him some yogurt while I was finishing dinner and you would have thought I'd asked him to run the Boston Marathon.

I can't wait for this to be over!    

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Re: Serenity Now!!

  • I have found with my job that men are the biggest babies.  My DH is sick right now and he hasn't done a single thing around the house in four days.  He's basically just lounging around in our loft playing video games.

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  • i went to the doc after worm on friday b/c i had some nasty pink eye. my ey ewa swollen shut by that point. dh has been sick this week with a cold. i asked him to give dd her bottle since i figured it wasnt a good idea for me to give it to her that night. he whined SO much about how sick he was. it was oh so pathetic!
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  • I am a nurse.  Men are babies, and my husband is the worst.  He honestly believes that when we both get the same cold, stomach flu, whatever that his is ALWAYS worse.  Wimp.


    42 yrs old. DS born 4/10/11 after 2 losses TTC # 2 for a year AMH .3. FSH 7 AFC 6 Doing a CLOMID IUI cycle
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