Tomorrow is DH's varicocele surgery. I feel like I have been waiting for this for so long! We have to be at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. and it is about 30 minutes away so the morning is going to be rough! But, hopefully it will be the solution to all of our problems and totally worth the early wake up!
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Re: Tomorrow is the big day! Gulp!
Wow, good luck to you guys in more ways than one!
We had to have DH there for our IUI by 7:30 am, a 30 minute drive away, and it was the Sunday morning of the time change, so it felt like leaving at 6. Not as bad as you have it, but I have an idea.
I so hope this is it for you and it really does solve all of your issue!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!
TTC #2 since Nov '07
Tried 4 cycles of Clomid, TI, Gonal-f, and IUI's - all BFFN's
Both tubes removed Nov '09
Low AMH = 0.3
IVF #1 for Feb '10 - cancelled due to poor response - Gonal-f and Repronex
IVF #1.2 for June '10 - Gonal-f, Menopur, and micro Lupron
ER - 6/19 (2 retrieved), ET - 6/22 (1 transferred with ICSI), Beta 7/5 = BFFN
IVF #2 for Nov '10 was cancelled due to poor response - Follistim, Repronex, and micro Lupron
IVF #2.2 for Feb '11 - Gonal-f, Repronex, and Ganirelix
ER - 2/24 (8 retrieved), ET - 3/1 (2 transferred with ICSI), froze 3, Beta 3/11 = BFFN
FET - 4/19 (3 transferred), Beta 4/28 = BFP, EDD 1/4/12