
Estrodial & spotting?

Hey ladies...

so i'm on a cycle of 60 days of estrodial before starting injectibles, and i forgot to take it for a day (2 doses) and started a bleed already! and it's not spotting, it's heavy...i have been back on full doses for 3 days, and still a heavy this normal? anyone with any advice is welcome...

and i'm just nervous because i have an appt. for a follow up u/s wednesday, and i hope this doesn't mess up the cycle!

Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle 
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
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