Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Moms of 2+ - re: dh helping out

DH tries his best to help out, and he is great at keeping ds#1 occupied so that I can get things done.  I just find that I can actually get things done faster and with less stress if he's not here.  I just did bedtime routine by myself and had both boys tucked in and sleeping by 8pm, when he does bedtime with me it's 8:30 at the earliest and not without at least one meltdown from ds#1 because dh has him too wound up to go down.  Even getting out the door with both kids in the morning is easier and on time if I am alone.  You would think that 2 sets of hands would be better than but it's not the case most of the time.  Anyone else feel like this?  Maybe it's because if I have nobody here to help I move faster and have a plan? Seems weird to me, maybe he gives off wild energy that makes the boys crazy, lol.

Re: Moms of 2+ - re: dh helping out

  • My DH is super helpful and does a lot to get DD ready in the morning and at night so I can get DS ready.  On the one night a week that DH has class, it takes me about an hour longer to get them both ready for bed.

    As for running errands, though, it is actually easier for me to take them both on my own than have DH go with us.  DD loves to entertain her daddy and it makes things more hectic!  :)


  • DH helps me out in the morning but, really, I can do it better and more efficiently.  I can be up at 5 AM and have myself showered, hair done, dressed, and fed and then get DS up, changed, dressed, fed, packed for daycare and be on my way by 6:45 AM.  When DH "helps" we are usually 5-10 minutes behind schedule because he delays getting out of bed and wants help choosing Liam's clothes and just, in general, doesn't have the same sense of urgency as I do because he isn't the one in a time crunch.  I still let him help, though, because then I get to sleep in a little.

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  • DH is great with helping out.  He did everything for the kids today because i was a bit hungover from my birthday last night.  He works 2nd shift so bedtime is always just me.  He has been home at night since Wednesday.  It is going to take me half the week to get DS1 back into the routine and get him to bed on time.  Tonight he went down an hour late.   
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  • Your household sounds like mine.  DH does try and I am glad that he is home with us but the couple of nights he doesn't get off work till after bedtime are usually easier and go much smoother than when he is at home.  He is always home in the mornings but doesn't like to get out of bed till the very last minute which makes some mornings very hectic.
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  • My situation is the same as yours. Dh travels and when he's gone, things run more smoothly. That's not to say I don't appreciate or like having him around, but it is just one more distraction, one more person the kids have to share my attention with,etc. I don't cook a big dinner if dh is out and I think, like you, I plan a little better if I know I'm by myself.
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