DS is almost 11 months old and is still drinking about 20 oz of formula per day. That seems like a lot for him to be drinking if he's going to be off of it in a month. He eats a lot at meals (almost as much as DH and I do), but I haven't been offering him any snacks. He gets a bottle when he wakes up in the morning, one after each of his two naps, one before bed, and usually one around 4am.
Should I offer him so yogurt or whole milk or a snack when he gets up from one of his naps, instead of a bottle? Or should I try to cut out the 4am feeding? This morning at that feeding he only drank 3 oz...Or should I just keep giving him formula and trust that it will work out. WDYT? TIA!
Re: Should I start encouraging less formula?
ours take in 7oz 4 times a day. ... 20oz doesn't seem like that's too much however they still eat baby food .. not much table food.. so i don't think we're comparing apples to apples.