'Cause I still love it. Have since I was 8 (Charlotte's Web!). I feel like it's similar to Taylor, probably more popular for girls but doable as a boys name? It's my #2.
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Hmmm where I am from it is only acceptable as a girl name. People will assume here that you wanted a girl and were disappointed.
I completely disagree. I think that it is better as a boy's name. Why would people assume that you are disappointed with your baby because of the name? Seriously? That is just dumb.
Where I live, yes. I know a few boys under the age of 5 named Avery. We haven't run into any girls yet.
I really like it for a boy, but chances are high that he would have a girl (1+) in his class with the name (gross).
But then again, I consider it a boy's name only. The people using it on girls aren't using a unisex name or a girl name, they are simply giving their daughter a boy's name.
ITA. Although I unfortunately know a 4 year old girl named Avery.
It was originally a boys name, but let's face the facts...I believe it was ranked 30-something in popularity in '09 for girls. I have a feeling it'll be ranked even higher for 2010. It has primarily become a girl name. A very popular, trendy one at that.
I think it's "acceptable" to use for a boy, since it originated as one, but I'd never use it because I think it'd be tough for a boy to go through life with most other Averys he meets being female. It's tantamount to naming your boy Ashley or Addison, which are boys-names-gone-girl.
It was originally a boys name, but let's face the facts...I believe it was ranked 30-something in popularity in '09 for girls. I have a feeling it'll be ranked even higher for 2010. It has primarily become a girl name. A very popular, trendy one at that.
I think it's "acceptable" to use for a boy, since it originated as one, but I'd never use it because I think it'd be tough for a boy to go through life with most other Averys he meets being female. It's tantamount to naming your boy Ashley or Addison, which are boys-names-gone-girl.
Completely ditto. As much as I truly wish this name still resided in "boy" territory, it clearly has been taken over by the girls. I would never choose a name for my son knowing there was a really good chance there could be a girl with the same name in his class in school.
I know a young man named Avery. That said, I sadly think that at least for now, Avery is pretty much in Ashley territory now. Was a boy's name originally, and now apparently the popular consensus (based on SSN stats) is "girl."
Reminds me of Dr. Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy (lol) althought that's his last name in the show. I would think it could go either way (for a boy or girl). You could always use it as a mn at least.
I love it for a boy! I'm a fan of it because of Charlotte's Web too. It's a boy name, and if people start using it more often for boys, maybe it can be reclaimed!
I think it's quite feminine (obviously, I named my daughter Avery). When we found out we were having a girl it was suggested to me and that was the first time I had ever heard it. I didn't hear it used for a boy until the whole Jesse James cheating scandal...his girlfriend had a son named Avery and she used it for her stripper name (awesome parenting right?) I thought it sounded to girly for a boy, because it's so close to Everly. FWIW, I also think using Ashley for a boy is terrible.
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I prefer for a boy. Extremely dislike on a girl but that truth is.. it has been taken over. Maybe a variation that is super manly?
Married my best friend on 5/14/05
Three Girls: Bits 2/08 Biscuit 10/09 & Sweet Chuck 2/12 One Favorite son: Suishy Smalls 6/14 And another Princess coming 7/16
Hmmm where I am from it is only acceptable as a girl name. People will assume here that you wanted a girl and were disappointed.
I would assume the opposite ?that you wanted your girl to be a boy, seeing as Avery is a boy name, not a girl name (until the terrible recent trend).
I've actually made this assumption before, though not about the name Avery specifically--I know/knew a sibset (all girls) named Tyler, Tristyn, and Cameron. They came into the library one day all excited because their stepmom had just had a baby boy. I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking if his name was "Finally".
Where I'm from, I don't know an Avery that is a girl. In fact, my nephew's name is Avery. Maybe I'm biased but I don't think Avery is a girl's name at all. When you think of a little girl do you think of Avery Johnson or the burly Avery Williamson (I could go on, but I think I've made my point without listing various male athletes with the name Avery).
Re: Is Avery still acceptable on a boy?
I think it is originally a boys name :
Gender: Masculine & Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: AY-v?r-ee, AYV-ree [key]
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
I completely disagree. I think that it is better as a boy's name. Why would people assume that you are disappointed with your baby because of the name? Seriously? That is just dumb.
ITA. Although I unfortunately know a 4 year old girl named Avery.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
It was originally a boys name, but let's face the facts...I believe it was ranked 30-something in popularity in '09 for girls. I have a feeling it'll be ranked even higher for 2010. It has primarily become a girl name. A very popular, trendy one at that.
I think it's "acceptable" to use for a boy, since it originated as one, but I'd never use it because I think it'd be tough for a boy to go through life with most other Averys he meets being female. It's tantamount to naming your boy Ashley or Addison, which are boys-names-gone-girl.
Completely ditto. As much as I truly wish this name still resided in "boy" territory, it clearly has been taken over by the girls. I would never choose a name for my son knowing there was a really good chance there could be a girl with the same name in his class in school.
Three Girls: Bits 2/08 Biscuit 10/09 & Sweet Chuck 2/12
One Favorite son: Suishy Smalls 6/14
And another Princess coming 7/16
I've actually made this assumption before, though not about the name Avery specifically--I know/knew a sibset (all girls) named Tyler, Tristyn, and Cameron. They came into the library one day all excited because their stepmom had just had a baby boy. I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking if his name was "Finally".