Good? Bad? Would you recommend it? It's pretty expensive. We only need sitters for a weekend night here and there (date nights), and I'm trying to justify spending $35 for a membership. Perhaps we should just stay home....again. This is the 2nd weekend we've tried to find a sitter. No luck. Zip, zilch, nada. So frustrating.
Also, if you have paid sitters, what do you usually pay? We really only need someone from 7:30 - midnight or so, and DD will be asleep the whole time. I'm curious as to what the 'going rate' is.
Re: Have you ever used or know anyone who has?
Sorry to hear it didn't work out as expected. Thanks for your input, hopefully it won't be such a PITA in the future.
Too bad your sister doesn't live in Dallas, I'd even give you a finder's fee!
Thanks for the info, that's a new one for me. Going to check it out now...