I have been PG or BF for the majority of the last 6 years. I cannot wait to be done BF. Of course, the fact that DD is still up 1-2x a night does not help. She is down to BF about 5x a day (then 2x at night). She'll drink whole milk from a bottle or a sippy now (yet refuses formula). 6 more weeks!!
Re: Anyone anxious to ween?
LOL! Thanks! I also need a new swimsuit and a dress for DH's reunion this summer and I cannot buy either until I ween because I at am at least a cup size bigger while BF. I want to be able to leave the kids with DH for a few hours w/o worrying about Dylan!
I am not BFing anymore but I can't wait to wean off of hypoallergenic formula.
40-50 in formula a week has gotten very old.
Although I don't have a clue as to what I will put him on when he is done with formula, I know it will not be nearly as expensive as this has been.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
Are we nursing the same kid? The top teeth are what KILL me!
Sorry to hear that! It is really awful!
First of all, your subject line makes me laugh. I think of Ween, the band, because that's how it's spelled. W-e-a-n means to accustom an infant to food other than mother's milk. Sorry, just one of my pet peeves.
Second, I bow to the queen of breastfeeding! I think that I should get tons of credit for BFing DD, but BFing 3 LO's for a year is big time work!! I am in awe.
Third, I can't wait to wean! I've been counting down since I started. We had a rough go of it in beginning, but now it's ok. But I want my body back. Once she hits a year, this child is cut off!
Ween/Wean - everyone got what I meant.
I am far from the queen. I know plenty of women you BF there kids longer and had more kids.
I am lucky I have had it easy with all 3 kids. I know if it was hard in the beginning I never would have BF. I give tons of credit to all who work through issues to BF - and even more to exclusive pumpers.
I still have awhile to go, but I have mixed feelings about it.
On the one hand, I am ready to have my boobs back and be able to wear normal shirts again. Also I will have a little more freedom.
On the other hand, I will miss the bond and closeness. It means my baby is growing up.
I guess if I was in your situation though, I would be ready to be done, lol!
That's the reason I had to wean Annalise. I just couldn't figure out how to get her to stop resting her top teeth on me.
I'm happy that I'm getting closer to being able to stop pumping. Weaning completely isn't a big deal to me since nursing a toddler is so much easier than nursing an infant.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I give DD one bottle of whole milk a day. She may take 2 oz. I also take a sippy if we are going in public - and with meals. This morning, she drank about 1.5 ounces.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)