Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Does your SO's downstairs have a nickname?

There is a girl at work who just informed me her H's member is named Jiggy!

Anyone else here care to share?

Your little hands wrapped around my finger and its so quiet in the world tonight Your little eye lids flutter cause your dreamin so I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light To you everything's funny, you've got nothing to regret I'd give all I have hunny, if you could stay like that Oh darling dont you ever grow up, dont you ever grow up, just stay this little Oh darling dont you ever grow up dont you ever grow up, it could stay this simple I wont let nobody hurt you, wont let no one break your heart, no one will desert you Just try to never grow up imageimage Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: Does your SO's downstairs have a nickname?

  • It's his peenerweenerpumkineater
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  • imageCassie730:

    Oh fine Prego...since you tried to pull everyone away from the drama I will just tell you. DH's peen is Antonio. It's a sexy latin name because DH is the pasty-est Irish man you'll ever meet. I can't remember if he came up with it or if I did but we made it up like 7 years ago and it stuck.

    (PS- He would DIE if he ever knew I told someone that)

    OMG I totally snort laughed my tea! And there's nothing wrong with pasty Irish!! Personally I like looking like a snowman while all my friends tan in the summer Stick out tongue

    DH's doesn't have a name (thank god or I'd vomit!) but I will never forget the book "Forever" by Judy Blume where Michael names his peen Ralph. To this day I do not understand how anyone can name their child Ralph...

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