Almost a year ago when my OB suggested that I had a c/s, I cried, because I really wanted to have the natural childbirth experience. When I had my baby in my arms I honestly never thought about it again.
Well, come this morning, I learn that my niece had been born (YAY!) and that my SIL had a vaginal birth. I don't know why, but it affected me, I was jealous, sad and crying all over again (selfish much?). Somehow this reminded me that I lost my chance and that I might never get it again.
I don't know what got into me, I usually enjoy reading bith stories. I'm fine again now, but I wonder if other c/s moms feel the same way by now.
Re: c-section mommas, let's talk feelings (nothing more than feelings)
I've had both a c/s and vaginal birth and looking back don't really feel sad about the c/s. I was relieved when they said I would have to go in for a c/s because it felt like my uterus was going to explode...I found out later that I had a constriction ring and uterine rupture was very possible.
However, because of the last c/s and the reason for it, I may not be a candidate for a vbac next time around and I've started feeling a little sad about that. I thought at first that I'd just want a c/s anyways, but giving a little time after the delivery changed my mind.
I've been reading up on natural c/s and taking charge of the c/s and I feel more empowered about having my birth experience my way whether it's vaginal or not.
I def. get jealous. I was freaking out about a natural birth and the idea of squeezing a human out of my vag. But I was also looking forward to it. I was going to get induced, but my Dr. called saying she'd prefer to do a C/S because of how big my son was measuring (9lbs a week before I was getting induced) and due to me having GD she was worried his shoulders might get stuck and cause nerve damage etc. After I saw him, I was glad I had one. He had/has a huge head and I'm sure I would have had quite a bit of vag. damage.
However, when my friends talk about their vaginal deliveries I do find myself getting jealous that I didn't experience it, I doubt I'm a canidate for a VBAC due to my pregnancies being so close, and honestly I wouldn't want to try one anyways, I already have the C/S damage and don't feel like damaging my Vag along with it. ANd when my friends talk about how they still haven't had sex or that it hurts etc. it makes me feel better that I didn't have to worry about that. Plus, I think my H would have been traumatized by seeing a child come out of it, he's the type who won't forget that image and would probably never look at it the same.
I had a c-section with my first. She was footling breech and I tried everything to get her to turn (ECV, etc.) so since it was scheduled, I really had some time to come to peace with the surgery.
Still, I really felt like I wanted to try for the vaginal experience so I had a VBAC with my second.
The only issue I had with my c-section is that my son had to be taken to the NICU for breathing issues, so I only saw him for 5 seconds in the delivery room and then about 1.5 hours later I got to see him for a few minutes when I got out of recovery.
I was diagnosed with pre-e at 29 weeks but managed to make it to term with bed rest and outstanding medical care. I actually was induced twice, neither time took. By the end of the best rest, two failed inductions, numerous cervadils and cytotecs, I called it a day and opted for a section. At times, I am a little envious of women that didn't have a high risk pregnancydelivery because I didn't get to spend any time with my son until the morning after his birth (he was born at 10:30pm) because of time in the NICU. I was also on magnesium sulfate for the pre-e for about 24 hours after he was born, which made me extremely sick.
Overall, my recovery was not as nearly as bad as I thought it would be, and have no issues with having another one in the future. My nurses were outstanding, and even though I will be opting to have another section, I will still be using a midwife for my prenatal care.