Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How to get LO to consistently drink from sippy...

Liam loooooves his bottles.  He will drink from a sippy cup but he will only take about an ounce of water at a time at meal time.  Occasionally he will have more but that is rare.  After drinking he will throw it aside and refuse anymore.  We are trying to get him to start drinking whole milk from the cup but he actually gets mad at the cup and throws it after the first sip or sometimes before he even tries it because he can see that there is milk in there and not water.

We've tried several different types of cups.  The traditional sippy with the handles and spout, straw sippies, tumbler style sippies with the top like a travel coffee cup, and sports sippies with the spout in the middle like a bottle and he dislikes ALL of them.  I would say let's try a regular cup but I feel like it would take him forever to get coordinated enough to drink out of it without help from an adult.  He needs to be drinking consistently out of the sippy by the time he moves to the next room at daycare this summer. 

My husband thinks that he is turned off by the cold milk in the sippy.  I feel like he needs to learn to take it cold because we can't heat it for him forever and daycare probably doesn't heat up milk for the kids once they are off formula.  I'm all for going "cold turkey" with things once he turns 1 year but DH says that's "changing too many things at once".  I'd just rather go through a few days of struggle rather than drag things out.  I've always been an "all or nothing" kind of person, though. 

WDYT?  Any tips? 

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Re: How to get LO to consistently drink from sippy...

  • I am going to do they cold turkey thing at 1 year too.  I don't have the patience for gradually blending formula and milk, gradually changing the temperature, dropping one bottle at a time...eff that.  He'll get over it.

    Bar tab = $156,000, Bus to Foxwoods = $0, Puking in the Stanley Cup = Priceless

  • My DS1 turned one at the end of May 2009, and he still wouldn't drink out of a sippy like he drank from a bottle as your post said. I never took his bottle away going into summer because that just didn't seem right to me. I always put milk in the bottle, nothing else. He got juice and water from a sippy.

    Lets face it though babies still love milk and that's what they want more of. I didn't take his bottle until 18 months old and we had no trouble when that time came. Honestly there are more important things I worry about doing in life than taking away the bottle at exactly one year old. I wouldn't stress too much. Suri Cruise is almost 5 with a bottle and a paci and I think that's hilarious.

    EDIT: Sorry I missed the part where he has to to be drinking out of a sippy for daycare. Try these, Nolan can drink from them but he just throws them down after a couple sips. 


       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
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  • Few things, could you try warming milk up in bottle and then putting in sippy cup. We still can't get him to drink formula out of sippy. We found success with this one

    And if he is still using a bottle in the Summer, it will be okay. I know we try our best to get them to kick certain habits but sometimes it take a  little longer!

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  • This is the only kind Eldin will consistently drink from. I think he likes it because the nipple seems more bottle like. They have them for like a buck at walmart.

    sorry no clicky 

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  • I tried the cold turkey switch (going straight to cold milk in a sippy, no transition) and my kid didn't drink for 3 days.  It was pretty frustrating.

    So I got to a place where I agreed with my DH (who feels the same way yours does, too many changes all at once) and decided to change one thing at a time.

    First, I started putting warm milk in her bottle.  Once she decided she like the warm milk, I started moving warm milk to a sippy and she started taking it.  She still plays with the cup sometimes and needs a lot of redirection and encouragement to keep drinking from it, but now she's taking about 75% of her milk in a sippy.  As soon as she's taking it all from a sippy, I'll gradually change the temp on her.

    I think when I tried to do everything all at once she was really confused and upset and wasn't able to focus on learning the "cup" skills.  Now that i've slowed down and let her go at her pace it seems to be going pretty well.

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