DD still prefers to eat purees but I offer her table/finger foods before offering the puree to encourage her to hopefully get rid of the puree stuff soon. The only problem is that there are some stuff that she won't eat and the stuff that she does eat, she doesn't eat very much of...
When I give her chicken, she gums it and probably ends up eating maybe 2 actual decent bites and then she doesn't want any more.. She does this with pretty much any food I give her (pasta, green beans, banana, toast, etc..) so after she's done with the finger foods, I offer her puree and she'll eat a whole bunch!
I should add that I cannot give her any lumpy purees because she throws up everytime and i've been trying to offer her those for the past 2 months! Any tips? TIA!
Re: When your LO eats table food, how much of it do they eat?
DD wont let me feed her finger foods, only puree so it makes it hard.
Thanks but when she eats table food (she wont let me feed her but she feeds herself), she's not bothered by the texture, she just doesn't eat much of it... And for the puree, I've been trying for 2 months now to get her to eat chunkier puree stuff but she throws up everytime.. I think she associates that food on a spoon should be smooth? I don't know..
All I can do is keep trying to push table food I guess and hope that soon she'll eat more of it so she can be off puree by the time she turns 1.
L gets approximately 1/2 cup of veggies, 1/4 of meat or beans, and 1/2 cup of grains for supper, a bit less than that for lunch and 1/2 cup of fruit and a piece of toast with cream cheese for breakfast. On my days off, she gets pancakes (she'll eat 3 4" pancakes in addition to the fruit) or eggs (she eats 2).
Most of the time less than a tbsp is lost. It's harder to gauge since she's taken to throwing her unwanted leftovers to the dogs.
Some examples of amounts she will eat (in one meal):
Breakfast: She will eat a whole Nutrigrain cereal bar and a half a cut up pear. (or a whole waffle and some pear chunks)
Lunch: she will eat a half a grilled cheese sandwich, some cheerios or crackers, and some cut up fruit
Dinner: Usually eats 2 ish chicken nuggets (sometimes a little more or less) or two to three meatballs (cut up) and then some chunks of veggies (sweet potatoe for example) and some yogurt melts or cheerios or cut up fruit (for "dessert").
She's actually throwing it up from her stomach.. so her food and formula comes out which makes a big mess!
Have you brought that up to her pedi? Just curious
Thanks! Yeah I'll keep doing that and see how it goes = ) At least she doesn't throw up the table food and doesn't throw up the puree if its smooth! lol