Babies: 0 - 3 Months

*~* Nestie Project List *~*


project Clean my office

importance When we moved into our house we kind of made this room the last resort. We painted the walls beautiful colors, laid a gorgeous floor, and basically threw all of our crap into it. I'd love to be able to relax and read in my huge papasan chair.

how to complete project Spend an hour a week organizing, going through old mail, dusting, shelving books and throwing things away.


project  Update scrapbook/start baby journal for DS

importance My mom wrote in a blank journal when I was little.  She wrote about my achievements, my growth, and just random stuff about my childhood.  She kept it up all through my school years, and the last entry was the morning of my wedding day.  She gave me the journal as a wedding gift.  I'd like to do the same for DS.

how to complete project  I hope to write something in DS's journal at least once a month and I want to update DS's scrapbook monthly with pictures.



project I went to the Ellis Island website and ordered a copy of the ship manifest of the ship that my grandfather took when he immigrated from Puerto Rico to the US in 1923. I just received it in the mail and want to get it framed along with including some old back and white photos I have of him as a young man. 

Importance My grandfather died 2 years ago and he was very dear to me. Now that I have a DD, I want to create a memorial to him that I can pass down the generations.

how to complete project I'm collecting photos and when I have the ones I want I'm going to try to photocopy them the best I can and then take the document and photo copies to a frame shop to be framed. Then I'm going to give it to my mom as a belated birthday present.


project get my house clean and maintain it!

Importance I don't like looking at the mess and I know DH doesn't either.  He's been so helpful since I had Mikey, but I'm feeling a little guilty about slacking big time in this department.

how to complete project I will do at least three chores every day after work and make a schedule of what needs to be done when.


project  I guess my first goal is getting caught up on DS's scrapbook/baby book. My other goal is to find a job.

importance I really enjoyed looking at the baby book my mom did for me as a child.  DH's book isn't filled out as much (he is the 3rd boy of 5 kids).  It's great being home with DS, but it's a strain on us. 

how to complete project  My goal is to complete one page per day.  I want to try to find one job a day to apply for. 


project Cook 4 times a week and eat the left overs instead of letting them go bad in the fridge

Importance a.) I control what goes into the food so it is better for DH and I and b.) It is better for our bank account

how to complete project Plan out the week's meals before going to the grocery store. Remember to thaw the meat in a timely manner. (Anyone else forget to thaw meat until it is time to start cooking, then give up and eat out?)


project I am redecorating our family room.

importance 1) I want our home to feel more cozy and warm and like home. 2) It's closed off and I want it more open for DD to play in.. and more child-friendly.

how to complete project I hate calling people, so I need to stay motivated to call the painters.. There are also some other things I need to call about, house stuff, like windows need to be replaced, some recently planted shrubs died, etc.. I also need to keep furniture shopping and make a decision.


project-go walking at least e very other day (until 6w checkin)

importance-stay healthy & get fresh air, maintain sanity, get closer to pre-preg jeans

how to complete project-get off my ass, put DS in stroller & get moving (so much easier said than done)


project- Sort and sell donated jewelry that is taking over my home.

importance My kid is going to be crushed or choke on something if it doesn't get out of my house.  Also, selling it would raise money for the nonprofit I founded and would allow us to pay off ALL our debts and therefore have the freedom to pick our next move....

how to complete project  Set up boxes, sort jewelry into them, take boxes to appropriate selling locations.  Post what I have pictures of on eBay.  I have a date on Thursday to work on this with a friend....provided she shows up!


project Get my sex drive back 

importance I don't want my husband to implode

how to complete project Think sexy thoughts, and try to have sexy time once a week.


project 1st I want to lose some weight.  The baby weight was easy for me for some reason, but I had some excess when I got BFP, so that's what I'm working on.  I currently weigh 180, I'd love to lose 20 pounds by Thanksgiving (I know it's a very lofty goal...).  2nd I need to start on and keep up with B's baby book. 3rd I need to rework our budget and we need to stick to it (this will probably be the hardest for me).


how to complete project 


project We want to open a Bed and Breakfast ultimately - for now I'll settle with dropping the last 15 pg lbs

importance 1) so we both get to "work" at home - it's always been a dream for us. 2) so I feel better about the way my body looks, how clothes feel and to have more energy.

how to complete project 1) we are currently researching locations discussing what pieces are most important to us. 2) going for daily walks at work and trying to get to the gym 2x during the week and 1x on the weekends


project My project is two fold - redesign/update of my website and creation of an etsy store.

importance I would love to be able to bring in extra money actually doing what I love vs. a stupid job.  Staying at home is great but I believe everyone needs something extra.

how to complete project I am currently working on updated my website with my recent artwork.  Then I will change the color scheme and incorporate my new logo.  After that I need to compile directions (hopefully w/ pictures) for using my slings, upload pattern choices and actually create the store.  My original time frame was a month, but I think I'll probably have to extend that out.


project to take themed photos for grandparent x-mas gifts this year, and I have all of the photo themes lined out in my head, now I just need to actually start taking the pictures and finish by Mid-November so I can order the calanders. DD really needs to help me out by learning how to sit up on her own, btw, so all of the pictures aren't her leaning over or on her back ;) I'll have to start this project probably once we're back from vacation, Right now my only project is to pack successfully, which is going to happen one way or another by Monday night, anyway!


how to complete project 


project Getting my house clean (and keeping it that way).

importance A cleaner environment would be healthier for DD, me and DH. It would also be safer for DD. Not to mention it would be really great if I could have people over without feeling humiliated.

how to complete project Start off slow by maintaining what is already done: keep up with dishes, laundry, and throwing away all trash. Gradually add to it by cleaning small sections of the house and keeping them clean. Try to pick up a few things each day, and once the clutter is cleared sweep, mop, scrub, dust, etc.


project finish my ad, take a shower, and flatten my hair!

Importance I have a super important business meeting and I feel like the bride of frankenstein stuck in the house with a sick child and mountains of work!!!  I also have a photo shoot for work and Friday morning we take the family pics.

how to complete project  I've just got to focus and do it!  Maybe when Chris comes home for lunch I can get him to watch Harm!


project a) To lose the baby weight as well as the extra pounds I put on since DH and I got married. b) To get more organized around the house

importance a) I want to be my healthiest so I can better take care of DS, DH and me. b) This will enable me to spend more time with DH and DS instead of working on various things around the house during the evening hours.

how to complete project a) Once I get the go ahead at my doc appt this Friday, I plan on going to the gym every other day and if that is not possible, do my pilates DVD at home or go for a walk. Also, I plan on watching what DH and I eat more closely.b) I plan to start cleaning in the den and work my way through the other rooms on the first floor then head upstairs. I want to go through old paperwork to get rid of what is no longer needed.


project a) get this farkin? motivational check in up and runningb) focus on blogging / honing my writing skillz.

Importance a) Nesties are counting on me!  I have to follow through!  Also, I think it?ll be a useful tool for my slacker self.

b) Writing is my bread and butter and I really want to transition into an online medium.  I love it and it enables me to work from home.  Except it only works if I can figure out the medium, come up with a strategy to build a readership, practice writing, and actually *work* from home.

how to complete project a) create a Word document with the projects.  Post links to check ins every AM and PM.  Update everything twice daily.

b) blog at least every week day.  Do one thing everyday to learn the medium and build a strategy.  Have a strategy in place by the end of October.


project Learn Swedish!

importance It is important because we will be visiting Sweden and Finland (where they speak Swedish) in one year and I would like a basic understanding of the language first.

how to complete project We have the rosetaa stone program... it's just a matter of sitting down and doing it... instead of nesting


project I need to get decorations up in my bedroom and keep up with the clutter in my house. 

importance so my home feels more homey and I'm not stressed about the clutter. 

how to complete project  The way I'm going to do it is to keep up with the clutter instead of letting it get out of control.  I'm also going to get the decorations up by a certain date.


project- get packed for our move back to Seattle in December

importance- we have to move. We hate it here and don't want to waste any time living here when we don't have to. 

how to complete project- Since I'm in school, one box a day would be manageable.  I'd love to do one room a day, but that seems a little much, especially with DD wanting to be held all of the time.


project  To make candles for friends and family for Christmas gifts

Importance Because I think I will enjoy it and feel a sense of accomplishment

how to complete project  purchase all the necessary items for candle-making, make candles when DH is home to watch DS,  wrap candles in tulle and add gifts tags.


project My project is two-fold. I want to clean up my house and then maintain it's cleanliness.

importance This is important because I hate living like a slob. I want to be able to have friends stop by without being embarrassed and to have something productive to do each day. 

how to complete project  First, I am going to start by cleaning up each room individually. I am going to do an overall pick up and then a deeper cleaning including dusting. I will start by working for 10 minutes a day. Also, I will clean up each project/ mess I make after I finish and not leave it out for the next day.  


project  My most present goal is to go for a walk around the complex every day to get the mail. 

Importance / how to complete project  It gets me out of the house and breathing fresh air and also the short walk will hopefully help get the last of the baby weight off.  Monkey also likes to watch the world go by in his carseat/stroller so it's good for him too.


project I need to decorate every single room in our new house.  Its a blank slate.  This includes fnding a theme (paint color and accent furniture pieces) for the living room, dining room, kitchen, staircase, bathroom, nursery, boys room and master bedroom.  The basement will be another project of its own. And then of course landscaping in the spring.

importance Its important that I make this new house feel like a home. And also reflect a little bit of who we are as individuals and as a family. Its also important that I keep things fairly inexpensive.  

how to complete project  I am going to take it one room at a time starting w the most important areas, such as living room, dining room and kitchen.  Also, ideas from other nesties will be much appreciated.


project  need to get back into working out! 

Importance I lost all of my pg weight, but now that I am a sahm I am putting it back on.  I eat out of boredom, and b/c I have access to food all day. 

how to complete project  I have a good napper, so I just need to motivate my lazy butt and do it!  We have a treadmill and eliptical in our basement.


project Giving the house a thorough cleaning.

importance:  It's only a matter of time before DS is on the move and with the holidays approaching, I would like to start the house off with a clean slate.

how to complete project  Clean for 20 minutes a night on work nights after DS is in bed.  On my two days off, devote 1 hour total (maybe broken up) to cleaning.   


project To run a more organized household

importance Ultimately, if I am more organized, it will save me time and money.  I hate clutter and am happiest when my house is clean.  Its tough because I am a working mom and scrubbing a toilet is the last thing I want to do when I get home from work.

how to complete project Doing a little each day.  That way I won't have to power clean all weekend long once a month.  I think if I can stay on top of the house-chores, I will be a happier person overall.


project Organize the office.

importance It's the catch all room and has progressively gotten worse now that I have less time. I want all the rooms to be organized and look good. It'll make it easier on me for when I can get back to scrapbooking.

how to complete project I will start with a small section of the room for 15 minutes at a time so it won't be overwhelming. I will toss/shred/donate items that are no longer needed to help declutter.


project  Get A's in all 5 of my classes this semester

importance I need to get into grad school and hopefully get a full tuition scholarship.

how to complete project  Stay off the nest, prioritize my time, and stay focused.  I *must* maintain a schedule.


project Taggy Blanket making. 

importance I want to have something that's 'my own' thing that's artistic/crafty. Since I've kinda forgone the whole scrapbooking thing, I think I'd like to try this out as a new hobby, as well as seeing if there might be a small 'side business' in it for me.

how to complete project  On days that I work, I want to try to have 30 min to an hour each evening for 'taggy time' ... most of it will probably be after the mouse goes down for the evening, but that's fine. On one of my days off I want at least 2 hours devoted to it, and the final day off as a true 'day off' from everything (taggies included).


project: My garden

importance: It's important because I'd like it to look nice next spring.  I'm always gung ho in the spring, and then it slows down by mid-summer.  I'd really like to have stuff done/moved for the spring, so I can plant all the plants I know I'll buy.

how to complete project  I plan on working on it this coming week.  DH is home, and it's supposed to be nice.  I really want to move some small shrubs/trees to clean up the gardens a bit

project: My Christmas quilt.

importance It's important because my mom and I took the course together, and I'm pretty sure she's going to have it done before me :(  I also know that once I start back to work in March I won?t have ANY time for it.

how to complete project  My plan is to attempt to work on one section of it each week.  If I stick to that, I should get done by Christmas!


project: a) Pack up apartment so we can move Mid November. b) Keep apartment clean.

importance a) I want to be ready for this move and not end up throwing a bunch of crap in a box and going through it later. b) I'm tired of seeing dishes in the sink, laundry in the rooms, cat hair on the floor, towels that need folding on the couch, etc. I want to get motivated to clean. 

how to complete project  a/b)  I work 4-10's usually having Wednesdays off. I want to pack up 1-2 boxes every day off and on Saturdays. And clean one room on that day off- then vac &/or mop it. And clean up little things throughout the week. (a bookshelf here, coffee table there, refrigerator, pantry, etc.)


project My ongoing project is getting my bacherlor's degree in Business. I began this journey shortly after my daughter turned 1 and I realized that I needed to finish my degree not only to be a role model for my daughter but because i want to provide a better life for my family. It is a slow process. Because I work full time and I have a family, I can only go part-time.

importance I am however getting to the point that I want to be done NOW. I'm sick of working for crap money in an unfulfilling job. I can't wait to contribute now more than ever with the addition of DS. We have hardly any money but we are getting by. I want to do more than "get by". My goal is to be the bread winner of the family :). My ultimate goal is to graduate, find a better job and then go on to get my MBA. I've come this far so there is no turning back.

how to complete project 


project: create my marketing website

importance keep up with my skills, learn new techniques and hopefully use towards my consulting business

how to complete project  create an outline of items to complete, create a timeline, and start working on it!


project To Drop the Last 20 Lbs of my Baby Weight (also known as "The Massive Amount of Weight I Gained Eating Dairy b/c Pregnancy Made me Not Lactose Intolerant")

importance I do not feel confident, sexy or happy at this weight, and it is effecting all aspects of my life. I also can't afford a new wardrobe!

how to complete project  Go to the Gym 3-4 times a week, walk with DS and dog on days I can't go to the gym, stop scarfing food just b/c DS is sleeping and I don't know when I will get to use my hands again...


project: a) keep the house clean and tidy!  b) plan a weekly menu

importance a) i m tired of feeling like i live in a dump! (and i dont want my future DIL to look at my house and see what i see in my ILs house!)  b) i m tired of never having anything to eat and having to fly by the seat of my pants for dinners.  it would be nice to be ready for it and know we re gonna eat every night

how to complete project  a) get my butt cleaning!  stop "leaving it till tomorrow" on all those things that need cleaning and putting away, ask for specific help as needed, and stop nesting and wash the dishes (haha, after i finish checking in).  b) sit down on saturday nights and plan grocery shopping and then on sunday plan meals based on what we actually bought. 


project Finally hang up our wedding pics. It's been a year for shitssake!! I'd like to hang one or two of the more iconic wedding pics, each in thier own 8x10 (or larger) frames that we got for the shower and then 1 or 2 collage-type pieces, for which I'll have to buy fitting frames.

importance Our presently hung photographs are nice but they are all circa 5yrs ago and don't reflect the tremendous and lovely growth MH and I have experienced since then. We've been married just over a year now AND have a 4.5mo old and I still have to sign on to my computer to see some photographic evidence that those events occured lol.

how to complete project  Since I haven't done it naturally in the past 13 months, I'm going to have to micromanage this tasklist like you read about!!! Here goes:

*go thru wedding pics and choose frameable this by going thru the sheer hundreds of pics on my computer and filing each into either a "viewable", "printable", or "frameable" folder. Clearly, I will use the "frameable" folder from which to choose my frameable shots for this project.

*decide if more frames are needed to accomodate # of chosen pics

*purchase more frames if needed

*get pics printed online or at CVS

*pick up prints, put in frames, and hang



project: a) losing 60 lbs (I was overweight pre-pg); b) get my infant wear and necessities business up and running. c) project: fill out baby book and baby's first year calendar. 

importance a) very important for my self esteem and to feel more secure with my relationship with DH and others. b) I want to be able to work from home and this is something that I enjoy and could do from home. C) like to get it done before I forget crucial info

how to complete project  a) begin drinking more water, cut back on sweet intake, start walking 2 miles a day and eventually jog that, begin yoga. b) get business license, start up materials and business loan. Also, complete design of logo and art for wear. C) take 20-30 min a night over the next week and fill in the information


project: going to gym 3 times a week

importance I really need to get rid of the extra 30 lbs I've been carrying around since before I was pregnant with ds. Since finding out I have a heart condition, it's important that I keep myself as healthy as possible so it does not get worse.

how to complete project  dh and I are taking advantage of a special a local gym is offering, and will be joining on Thursday. DH will pick ds up from the sitter 2 days a week, then I'll go either after ds is asleep one night a week or one morning on the weekend.


project Run 5k in Dec race w/out stopping and good time.

importance I want to lose the last 15lbs of pregnancy weight (and 15 more) and get back into my running routine.

how to complete project  How to complete project: Run 5x a week, slowly increasing my distance and improving my time.

Re: *~* Nestie Project List *~*

  • Can I join too?!

    My project is to start developing all dd's photos and put them into albums.

    Its important to me because I want to remember every moment I have captured and for her to be able to enjoy it one day.

    I will complete my project by spending at least one hour a weekend uploading photos and ordering them. Then I will buy albums and organize the 847 pictures I have taken so far.


    Thanks larkster!

    Josie Cailin 7/25/08 Asher Mason 7/19/10
  • I want to join please!!!

     project: Join the OSC on base

    Importance: I need to do something for myself and since I SAH its usually all about DD

    how to complete project: I need to first find someone to watch DD at least twice a month, which shouldn't be a big deal, besides the fact that we live in a new city where we don't know too many people and I've never left her with anyone other than DH for more than an hour

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  • Great idea!

    Project - Two books: one is a crime novel, one is a non-fiction.

    Importance - Well, there's the money...

    How to complete - Absolutely MUST get the outlining started for the non-fiction, and I have to buckle down and re-write the ouline for the novel, which has had a major shift.

  • Project: Maddie's Baby Scrap Book

    Importance- i want to document her memories

    How To Complete MUST buckle down and just do it, i keep putting it off for things like laundry, and cleaning, oh and work.

  • Hi!  I would like to join!

    My project would be cleaning my house & maintaining it's tidiness.  Also, to cook dinner at least 2-3 times per week.  

    Importance:  Very!!  I am expecting my second child, and do not want to have two children in an unorganized home.  Also, I think my marriage will benefit greatly if my husband sees my efforts.

    How to complete project: I plan on attempting to clean one room a day.  And get the massive loads of laundry folded and put away!  To start cooking meals, I am going to find some easy to follow recipes, go grocery shopping with a list!, and start trying to cook 2-3 dinners per week (for starters!).

     Thanks for doing this check-in!  I am hoping it will help me keep on track!

    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • what a great idea! 

    1. Right now my top priority is losing my baby weight.
    2. It is important to me because when I am at my best (size), I feel my best.  When I feel like I am in control of my weight I am more motivated to do other things.  I also feel better about myself when I exercise and eat right, and when I don't I tend to get depressed.  I think a healthy mom makes for a happy mom, and happy mom means a happy baby! Also, it is not good to be overweight when you have back problems. :)
    3. I will achieve my goal by exercising daily, early in the morning.  If I set aside time early in the AM, I am more likely to get my workout in.  Also, that is when I have the most energy. I also write down weekly goals- breaking down the weight loss by two pounds at a time.  I have a chart on my fridge that allows me to check off each day I worked out that week.  I plan to exercise six days a week until I reach my goal (can you tell I'm in a hurry?).  No crazy diets, though.  If I starve myself (or give up carbs) I end up pigging out later.  I just have been increasing my protein intake to help build lean muscle, as well as eating many small meals.
  • Great idea! 

    my project: to clean at least one room of my house a day

    importance: having a clean house makes me happier and less stressed out, and it's healthier to live in a clean house for dd.

    how to complete project:  do it in the am when I have more motivation and take more advantage of when dh is home on the weekends.  

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I wanna join, otherwise i might quit tomorrow lol (again!)

    project  Lose some weight (like most nesties) and get some of Aiden's scrapbook completed

    Importance DH still finds me attractive, but i feel sluggish and don't like to be touched all the time because of all the sagging, I have 2 weeks until Aiden's birthday and my aunt will kill me if it's empty.

    how to complete project Walk each day for lunch break, do one of my exercise tapes i have sitting around every other day. Scrapbook atleast 3 pages each week giving me 6 pages completed before his birthday party.

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  • Here is my new one!!!!!:

    1) I'm doing: Operation Get the Hell out of this place!!!  Or in other words find DH a job back in Vegas or down in Texas... a place I can happily live and want to own a house.

    2) I'm lonely and we make jack squat between the two of us.  Worse I think this company is going down quickly.

    3) I'm trying to find at least an hour a day to help DH look.  He is already spending 2 a day... hopefully!

    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • Projects-  I have 2- I need to lose 20 pounds.  I also need to work on starting to scrapbook for Gabe and keep his calendar up to date.

    Importance-  I want to be healthier so I can be around longer for DS.  As far as the scrapbook I need to do it and the calendar so he can see what he did, I loved looking at mine.

    How to complete project-  I need to excercise for at least half an hour a day and eat better.  For the scrapbook- I need to work on it on the weekends little by little.

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